- Create textgrids for all wav files in the same directory.
- Automatically detect the space and the sounding part
- Generate 3 tiers: (1) parent's ID, (2)Infant's ID, and (3) silence and sounding parts
- Use spectral substraction method to denoise the ambient noise
- Parameters: window length 0.025 s, filter frequency range: 50 - 120000
- Smoothing: 40 Hz
- Reference for the used parameters: S.F. Boll (1979): "Suppression of acoustic noise in speech using spectral subtraction."IEEE Transactions on ASSP 27: 113–120.
- Scales the intensity of all the files in the same directory
- This script saves each interval in the selected IntervalTier of a TextGrid to a separate WAV sound file.
- The source sound must be a LongSound object, and both the TextGrid and the LongSound must have identical names and they have to be selected before running the script.
- Files are named with running index numbers.
- A text file is created from the interval labels. Each line in the text file refers to a sound file
- This script is distributed under the GNU General Public License. (by 8.3.2002 Mietta Lennes)
- automatically save .Pitch and .PitchTier from a folder (only search for wav files)
- extract frequency info: F0min, F0max, F0mean, F0std, slope, in Hertz and semitones
- A vba script from excel
- Convert all the textgrids to txt files in one directory, so that we can use the txt files to put in excel file for further coding