Web app to solve Killer Sudoku puzzles, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killer_sudoku
Click on squares to form a cage, then click on the sum of numbers in the cage. When the grid is complete, press "Solve" and the grid should be gradually filled in. Alternatively click the button "Sample" to load a sample puzzle and "Solve" to solve it.
Most puzzles are solved by the repetetive application of 4 rules
- "squeeze" to eliminate numbers that cannot contribute to row, column, cage totals followed by regular sudoku rules :-
- "Rule 1" Given a singleton, remove from intersecting lines and grids
- "Rule 2" A value must go somewhere, ie each row, column and grid must contain a complete set of values. If there is only one place a value can go, then put it there.
- "Rule 3" If a row, column or grid contains 2 squares with the same options then these options can be eliminated from other squares in the group.
Finally, in a small minority of cases we need to look for a heuristic solution. When the above rules fail to find any further singletons, we assemble a list of doubles found so far and go through the list trying numbers in turn until a solution is found.
The app is written in brython https://brython.info/index.html (A Python 3 implementation for client-side web programming) adapted from a command line version of same.
- index.html - Contains stylesheet and link to brythoninterface.py
- brythoninterface.py - script to build the webpage
- sudoku_panel.py - script that reacts to the mouseclicks and displays the result
- kl.py - pure python script that solves the puzzle, can also be run from the command line, see below.
- jtest.js - javascript rewrite of critical python function as a speedup
- ktest.py - contains a number of sample puzzles that can be run from the command line
- kl.py makes extensive use of the python 'set' type
- kl.py makes a number of passes to solve the puzzle. After each pass it passes control to the webpage to update the numbers found. Otherwise the screen would sit blank for 40 seconds or so until the puzzle is completely solved.