Basic Grocery List App developed with React and Redux - Centralized App State (Store in Redux).
I started learning Redux after following some resources online I build this application for practice. This is a basic Grocery List App through which users can add, and remove the items to the list. All components are sharing a single state (known as store in redux).
Click link to view live demo:
I used react-redux for this practice application.
- App Demo GIF
I learned the following concepts and used them in this app.
- What is Redux?
- Use of Redux.
- When to use Redux?
- Redux DevTools
- Setting up with Redux and React Reduct
- Store Concept in Redux
- Actions Concept in Redux
- Reducers Concept in Redux
- Dispatch Concept in Redux
- combineReducers Concept in Redux
- useSelector hook in Redux
- useDispatch hook in Redux
Note: Image may subject to copyright, I used for learing purpose.