Cloud Firestore made super easy with sweet syntactic sugar
works with both client-sidefirebase
and server-sidefirebase-admin
yarn add firestore-sweet
import sweet from "firestore-sweet"
import firebase from "firebase"
apiKey: '### FIREBASE API KEY ###',
authDomain: '### FIREBASE AUTH DOMAIN ###',
const db = sweet(firebase.firestore)
import sweet from "firestore-sweet"
import admin from "firebase-admin"
const serviceAccount = require('path/to/serviceAccountKey.json');
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount)
const db = sweet(admin.firestore)
automatically knows whether the ref
is a collection
or a doc
based on the position.
It returns actual data instead of snapshot.
/* for comparisons with the original APIs
const fs = firebase.firestore() */
// fs.collection("users").get()
await db.get("users")
// fs.collection("users").doc("Bob").get()
await db.get("users", "Bob")
// fs.collection("users").doc("Bob").collection("comments").get()
await db.get("users", "Bob", "comments")
// fs.collection("users").doc("Bob").collection("comments").doc("no3").get()
await db.get("users", "Bob", "comments", "no3")
knows whether the argument is for where
, orderBy
, or limit
based on the array length.
// fs.collection("users").where("age", "==", 20).get()
await db.get("users", ["age", "==", 20])
// fs.collection("users").where("age", "==", 20).orderBy("age", "desc").get()
await db.get("users", ["age", "==", 20], ["age", "desc"])
// fs.collection("users").where("age", "==", 20).orderBy("age", "desc").limit(5).get()
await db.get("users", ["age", "==", 20], ["age", "desc"], 5)
// fs.collection("users").orderBy("age").startAt(20).get()
await db.get("users", ["age"], ["startAt", 20])
// fs.collection("users").doc("Bob").set({name:"Bob", age: 30})
await db.set({name:"Bob", age: 30}, "users", "Bob")
// fs.collection("users").doc("Bob").set({name:"Bob", age: 30}, {merge: true})
await db.upsert({name:"Bob", age: 30}, "users", "Bob")
// fs.collection("users").doc("Bob").update({name:"Bob", age: 30})
await db.update({age: 40}, "users", "Bob")
// fs.collection("users").doc("Bob").delete()
await db.delete("users", "Bob")
// fs.collection("users").doc("Bob").update({age: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.delete()})
await db.update({age: db.del}, "users", "Bob")
// fs.collection("users").doc("Bob").update({age: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.increment(3)})
await db.update({age:}, "users", "Bob")
// fs.collection("users").doc("Bob").update({date: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()})
await db.update({date: db.ts}, "users", "Bob")
// fs.collection("users").doc("Bob").update({favorites: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion("tomato")})
await db.update({favorites: db.union("tomato")}, "users", "Bob")
// fs.collection("users").doc("Bob").update({favorites: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayRemove("tomato")})
await db.update({favorites: db.remove("tomato")}, "users", "Bob")
const unsubscribe = db.on("users", (docs) => {
for(const user of docs){
console.log(`${} : ${user.age}`)
This is a unique method only seen in firestore-sweet
to delete everything in a collection.
Be careful using it since it's powerful and dangerous if misused.
await db.drop("users")
Use ref
to simply get a native ref object from the Firestore SDK.
await db.ref("users", "Bob")
With firestore sweet
, multiple write operations are possible with queries in one method.
This is not something possible with the Firestore APIs. Firestore batch has 500 operations at a time limit, but firestore sweet
automatically bypasses the limit by dividing the operations into chunks of 500 and parallelly executes those. It can execute 50,000 operations in a few seconds this way, but watch out for your bill.
don't make sense with this operation.add
doesn't do anything andupsert
works the same asupdate
in this context.
await db.update({age: 30}, "users", ["age", ">", 30])
await db.set({name: "John", age: 30}, "users", ["age", ">", 30])
await db.delete("users", ["age", ">", 30])
await db.tx("users", "Bob", ({ref, t, data}) => {
t.update(ref, {age: data.age + 10})
await db.batch([
["set, {name: "Bob", age: 30}, "users", "Bob"],
["update", {age:}, "users", "Bob"],
["delete", "users", "Bob"]
You can also get document id
and snapshot
with the actual data by adding K
or S
to the method names.
// getK returns document id and data
const users = await db.getK("users")
for(const id in users){
console.log(`${users[id].name} : ${users[id].age}`)
// getS returns Object with snapshot, document id and data
for(const {id, ss , data} of await db.getS("users")){
const user = // same as data
console.log(`${} : ${user.age}`)
// getR returns a raw snapshot which is the same behavior as the original firestore API but as an array
(await db.getR("users")).forEach((ss) => {
const user =
console.log(`${} : ${user.age}`)
/* "txK", "txS" and "onK", "onS"
return the same data as "getK", "getS" respectively */
You need service-account credentials for a Firebase project at /test/.service-account.json
to run the tests.
Use a disposable project if you are to run the tests since the tests manipulate and delete actual data from your Firestore.
yarn run test