Adding the ability to safely load data from arweave http api.
SmartWeave.safeArweaveGet(query: string)
Example in contract - https://github.com/warp-contracts/warp/blob/main/src/__tests__/integration/data/token-evolve.js#L44
Test - https://github.com/warp-contracts/warp/blob/main/src/__tests__/integration/basic/pst.test.ts#L213
NOTE 'Safe' means in this case that any error from the api will cause the contract to throw a 'NetworkCommunicationException' - the SDK then immedietally stops contractthe execution - to prevent any non-determinism that may be a result of a temporary issues with an external API.
What's Changed
- feat: [FEATURE] Safe Block Fetch #464 by @ppedziwiatr in #468
Full Changelog: v1.4.21...v1.4.22