Based on the template from the City Scrapers project. This scrapes, standardizes, and shares public meetings from local government websites in California. You can find more information on the project homepage or in the original City Scrapers repo for the Chicago area: City-Bureau/city-scrapers.
- California High-Speed Rail Authority
- California Transportation Commission
- Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors
- Contra Costa Transportation Authority
- Culver City
- Los Angeles (LA) City Government
- LA County Board of Supervisors
- LA Department of Water and Power
- LA Metro
- LA Planning Committee
- Port of LA
- LA Unified School District
- LA World Airports
- City of Long Beach
- City of San Diego
- County of San Diego
- San Francisco Board of Supervisors
- San Francisco Planning Commission
- City of San Jose
- Santa Monica City Council
- South Coast AQMD
- Southern California Regional Rail Authority
- City of Walnut Creek
Abstract helps experts track, collaborate, and impact legislation. We are using City Scrapers to scrape local government data.
If you'd like to help us build these City Scrapers, feel free to fork our repositories. Otherwise, for questions or comments, contact us!