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SIG (SUMO Interface with Google Maps)

This project can be used to visualize SUMO interface on Google Map. The SUMO is used to create a traffic simulator, SUMO data is retrieved by TRACI. Data is then passed to Web Server/WebSocket program, which then pushes the data to Web Socket Server for getting it plotted on Google Map.


  1. Start the server.exe located in "\Webserver\simple-libwebsockets-example-master" . This will start the Web server.
  2. Open the web browser on "localhost:8000" . Do not wait for map to load , proceed to next step.
  3. Start the SUMO from "\SUMO" by using command "sumo-gui -c icw.sumo.cfg --remote-port 8800" from terminal. This will start the SUMO server.
  4. Start the TRACI from "\TraciClient" by starting "Traci_Client.exe". This will start the TRACI Client & establish the connection between SUMO & TRACI.
  5. Increase the delay time to around 200 and start the simulation from SUMO GUI.
  6. Go back to browser and you should have visualization on Google map.

Note : Currently project is configured for 2 vehicles only, named "veh1" & "veh2", it can be easily extended for more (code changes will be required). extension work in progress !

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Build Info

Projects are build with MinGW 4.8.1 on Windows 10 .

This project is a combination of 3 sub projects:

  1. Webserver

    This project contains the code for Web Server & Web Socket Server. It uses libwebsockets & wolfssl project. We can create its binary from cmd line. It receives the data from TraciClient (via Web Socket Client) & pass the data to HTML/JavaScript code for plotting it on Google Map. Remember to place required DLL's where executables are kept.

    buid the server.exe using commands :

    gcc -c server.c -I ..\lws-x64-22747226\include -I ..\wolfssl-3.15.3 -I ..\wolfssl-3.15.3\wolfssl

    gcc -o server.exe server.o -l ws2_32 -l websockets -L ..\lws-x64-22747226\bin\Release

  2. SUMO

    SUMO needs to be configured on the system. Then by writing the configuration file we can create the desired traffic simulations. Note: Code is not required in this project , only configuration files needs to be created.

  3. TraciClient

    This communicates with SUMO through a socket to get the data. Then using the web Socket api's it pass the data to WebServer program. This is coded in C++ , build the project by using makefile. Note that this project requires libwebsocket, wolfssl & xerses projects. Remember to place required DLL's where executables are kept

NOTE : Executables present in the project will run as is (as the DLL's required at run time is present) , it is only when we need to build the project, we will require the compiler.

Software Components

  1. libwebsockets binary for windows @
  2. WolfSSL @
  3. SUMO @
  4. Xerces @

Special Thanks to



SUMO Integration with Google Maps








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