A restful service for Tazama to allow for the configuration of Transaction Monitoring Services
Before you get started, the following need to be installed:
- NodeJS. Version 20.10 and above is currently used and we don't guarantee everything works with other versions. If you need to work with multiple versions of NodeJS, NVM is recommended.
- NestJS. Version 10.0.0 is currently used to build our restful service. We don't guarantee everything works with other versions.
- npm. We are currently using npm to manage our dependancies.
It is assumed that you have installed Mojaloop Security BC and associated services.
Clone the repo
cd into the repo
cd config-svc/packages/config-svc-be
Use the correct Node.js version
nvm use
Install dependencies
npm install
Add environment variables
cp ./.env.sample ./.env
Any Empty .env file should look as follows
# Security BC Connection
# Application Configurations
# Arango Database Connection.
# config-svc-be application port
If you use a default installation, your .env file should be as follows:
# Security BC Connection.
AUTH_N_SVC_BASEURL=http://localhost:3201 # the mojaloop/security-bc-authorization-svc:0.5.4 image running in docker
AUTHORIZATION_BASEURL=http://localhost:3202 #the mojaloop/security-bc-authentication-svc:0.5.4 image running in docker
KAFKA_URL=localhost:9092 #the confluentinc/cp-kafka:7.2.1 image running in docker
AUTH_N_TOKEN_ISSUER_NAME=mojaloop.vnext.dev.default_issuer # default secuirty-bc token authentication issuer name
AUTH_N_TOKEN_AUDIENCE=mojaloop.vnext.dev.default_audience # default security-bc token authentication audience
# Application Configurations
SVC_CLIENT_ID=lextego # specifiies the created application client id
SVC_CLIENT_SECRET=lextego-secret #specifies created application client secret
BC_NAME=lextego-bc # identifies the application privileges (they are variables)
APP_NAME=lextego-svc # identifies the application privileges (they are variables)
APP_VERSION=0.5.5 # this is a random version to version the privileges. it should from 0.5 on wards
# Arango Database Connection.
DATABASE_HOST=http://localhost:8529/ # the port specified in the -p 8529:8529
DATABASE_NAME=_system # the database name specified in the --server.database _system:
DATABASE_USERNAME=root # the database username specified in the --server.username root:
DATABASE_PASSWORD=1 # the database password specified in the --server.password pass:
# config-svc-be application port
PORT=3007 # specifiy the port on which you want to run the application (default port is 3007)
If you have not installed Arango, as part of another service, the recommended way of using it on a local machine is via docker according to the documentation.
You can choose one of the following:
- arangodb official Docker images , verified and published by Docker.
- arangodb/arangodb Docker images, maintained and directly published by ArangoDB regularly.
In order to start an ArangoDB instance, run:
docker run -e ARANGO_ROOT_PASSWORD=1 -p 8529:8529 -d --name arangodb-instance arangodb/arangodb
The -e flag is used to set environment variables inside the container. In this case, ARANGO_ROOT_PASSWORD=1 sets the root password of the ArangoDB instance to 1. It's important to choose a secure password for production environments.-p 8529:8529:
The -p flag maps a port on the host to a port in the container. This command maps port 8529 on the host to port 8529 inside the container, which is the default port that ArangoDB listens on for connections.-d:
This flag runs the container in detached mode, meaning the container runs in the background and does not block the terminal session.--name arangodb-instance:
The --name flag assigns a name to the container, making it easier to manage. In this case, the container is named arangodb-instance.arangodb/arangodb:
This specifies the image to use for the container. arangodb/arangodb is the official ArangoDB image from Docker Hub. Docker will download this image the first time you run the command if it's not already present on your system.
You can use arangosh, an interactive shell that ships with ArangoDB, and its JavaScript API, to interact with the server. You can also use it for automating tasks.
In order to interact with the ArangoDB instance with CLI
docker exec -it arangodb-instance arangosh --server.username root --server.password 1 --server.database _system
These flags are combined to allow interactive processes. -i (interactive) keeps STDIN open even if not attached, and -t (tty) allocates a pseudo-TTY, making it possible for you to interact with the shell inside the container.arangodb-instance:
This is the name of the Docker container in which ArangoDB is running. You specified this name when you started the container with the docker run command.arangosh:
This is the command being executed inside the Docker container. arangosh is the ArangoDB shell, which allows you to interact directly with your ArangoDB server using a command-line interface.--server.username root:
This option specifies the username to use when connecting to the ArangoDB server. In this case, you're using the root user.--server.password 1:
This option specifies the password for the user. You set this password to 1 when you started the container. For security reasons, it's important to use a strong, unique password, especially in production environments.--server.database _system:
This option specifies the name of the database to connect to. _system is the default system database provided by ArangoDB for managing the server.
Update the Arango Database Connection environment variables as follows
# Arango Database Connection.
DATABASE_HOST=http://localhost:8529/ # the port specified in the -p 8529:8529
DATABASE_NAME=_system # the database name specified in the --server.database _system:
DATABASE_USERNAME=root # the database username specified in the --server.username root:
DATABASE_PASSWORD=1 # the database password specified in the --server.password pass:
Should you need to access the Arango Front End, you can use their portal the credentials we created above are as follows:
UserName: Root
Password: 1
Please follow the instructions in the mojaloop platform shared tools deployment readme to deploy the Mojaloop Platform Shared Tools
- In order to check the images with cli run
docker ps
Update the Mojaloop Platform Shared Tools environment variables as follows
# Security BC Connection.
AUTH_N_SVC_BASEURL=http://localhost:3201 # the mojaloop/security-bc-authorization-svc:0.5.4 image running in docker
AUTHORIZATION_BASEURL=http://localhost:3202 #the mojaloop/security-bc-authentication-svc:0.5.4 image running in docker
KAFKA_URL=localhost:9092 #the confluentinc/cp-kafka:7.2.1 image running in docker
AUTH_N_TOKEN_ISSUER_NAME=mojaloop.vnext.dev.default_issuer # default secuirty-bc token authentication issuer name
AUTH_N_TOKEN_AUDIENCE=mojaloop.vnext.dev.default_audience # default security-bc token authentication audience
- Log into the authentication service of the security bound context running http://localhost:3201 (The Mojaloop/security-bc-authentication-svc:0.5.4 running in docker)using the default login credentials defined in Mojaloop vNext admin UI
curl --location 'http://localhost:3201/token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"grant_type": "password",
"client_id": "security-bc-ui",
"username": "admin",
"password": "superMegaPass"
- The response contains an access_token to be used in creating an application
- Create an application using the endpoint http://localhost:3203/ (the mojaloop/security-bc-builtin-identity-svc:0.5.7 image running in docker) that identifies the service by providing clientId and clientSecret as variables. In this we are going to use
as ourclientId
as ourclientSecret
and update the Authorization bearer token with the newly obtained access token. If you get an error{"status":"error","msg":"Invalid client_id."}%
, it means the clientId already exists therefore provide a new clientId variable name.
curl --location 'http://localhost:3203/apps/' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <New_BearerTOKEN>' \
--data '{
"enabled": true,
"clientId": "lextego",
"platformRoles": [],
"clientSecret": "lextego-secret",
"canLogin": true
- Assign the created application a basic role using the endpoint
providing the clientId as lextego for created application
curl --location 'http://localhost:3203/apps/lextego/roles/' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <New_BearerTOKEN>' \
--data '[
"roleId": "basic-application"
Update the application configuration environment variables as follows depending on the created application
# Application Configurations
SVC_CLIENT_ID=lextego # specifiies the created application client id
SVC_CLIENT_SECRET=lextego-secret #specifies created application client secret
BC_NAME=lextego-bc # identifies the application privileges (they are variables)
APP_NAME=lextego-svc # identifies the application privileges (they are variables)
APP_VERSION=0.5.5 # this is a random version to version the privileges. it should from 0.5 on wards
update the config-svc-be application port (optional as it runs on a default port of 3007)
# config-svc-be application port
PORT=3007 # specifiy the port on which you want to run the application (default port is 3007)
npm run start
Run the application on hot-reload
npm run start:dev
- At this time you can test the config-svc-be on http://localhost:3007/.
- Access the endpoint swagger documentation on http://localhost:3007/swagger#/
Running unit tests
npm run test
Running end to end tests
npm run test:e2e