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Serial Communication

Sizwe edited this page Jun 3, 2018 · 1 revision

Serial Communication

Baud rate = 9600 bps >= 115200 bps Transmit ASCII Code, (From Rpi3 to uC and the uC Responses).

To monitor Parcel(s) Placed in a storage unit. For the first storage unit: Raspberry Pi sends ‘d’, to the micro controller transmits back a 'p' meaning these no parcel and 'P' these a parcel. For the next storage unit an ‘e’, and an ‘f’; these sort of command might be change as more storage unit get incorporated to the design.

To monitor storage unit door(s). For the first storage unit: Raspberry Pi sends ‘g’, the micro controller transmits back a ‘d’ meaning that the storage unit door is open, and a ‘D’ door is closed. For the next storage units doors an ‘h’, and an ‘i’ are used for the monitoring of their doors respectively; these sort of command might be change as more storage unit get incorporated to the design.

To Access the locking component on each storage unit. For the first storage unit: Rpi3 sends ‘a’, followed by a ‘l’ (lower case L), for an intent to unlock a storage unit; the first command is used to locate the storage unit; an upper case ‘L’ is used for the intent to lock the storage unit. For the next storage unit a letter ‘b’ is sent to the microcontroller to locate the Second storage unit, and third storage unit the letter ‘c’; these sort of command might be change as more storage unit get incorporated to the design.