- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with facter_cacheable
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
facter_cacheable implements a Puppet feature for Facter that caches fact values for a given time.
The features are inspired by the Puppet Blog on Facter from 2010.
This does not always work correctly with Puppet Enterprise 2016. PE purges pugin-synced facts directories on each run. This removes fact files Puppet's agent thinks came from custom facts.
As mentioned in many getting started with Puppet guides, including some by Puppet Labs, caching a fact can be useful. A well-maintained cache can:
- reduce frequency of expensive calls
- store values reachable outside of Puppet agent runs
- explicitly control schedule of fact refreshing
There is limited planned support in Facter 2.0 and later for controlling some caching of Puppet facts. Personally this developer has never seen issues with it in the wild.
No, this is not yet-another-varnish module either.
Deploys a feature, facter_cacheable, which is usable for custom facts written by Puppet developers.
caching using this module requires at lest Ruby 2.3 and Puppet 4.7. Older releases cannot even run the test harness anymore.
PluginSync must be enabled on at least one Puppet agent run to deploy the module.
This module accepts no customization. The facter\_cache()
call takes options for:
- the value to cache
- a time-to-live(ttl)
- an optional location to store the cache in.
If the directories containing the cache files do not exist, the module will attempt to create them.
To cache a value use cache
require 'facter/util/facter_cacheable'
To return a cached value use cached?
require 'facter/util/facter_cacheable'
Complete Example
# my_module/lib/facter/my_custom_fact.rb
require 'facter'
require 'puppet/util/facter_cachable'
Facter.add(:my_custom_fact) do
confine do
setcode do
# 24 * 3600 = 1 day of seconds
cache = Facter::Util::FacterCacheable.cached?(:my_custom_fact, 24 * 3600)
if ! cache
my_value = some_expensive_operation()
# store the value for later
Facter::Util::FacterCacheable.cache(:my_custom_fact, my_value)
# return the expensive value
# return the cached value (this may need processing)
It is not required but encouraged to keep the name of the cache and fact the same. Although with all Ruby programming sanity is optional as it having documentation.
YAML stored values may appear as arrays or string-indexed hashes depending on the version of Puppet and Facter involved. Unpacking those is left as an exercise for the reader.
To test code that uses Facter_cacheable you will have to resort to a little used method for stubbing objects.
In your Facter fact guard against import of the module. Import will fail if you do not have it deployed to the Puppet environment on which the tests are running.
Note: even the rSpec setup will not properly install this utility for testing.
require 'facter/util/facter_cacheable'
rescue LoadError => e
Facter.debug("#{e.backtrace[0]}: #{$!}.")
# regular fact like the complete example above
In the rSpec Facter tests, normally some kind of function test on
, setup a harness which can check for invocation of the cache
context 'test caching' do
let(:fake_class) { Class.new }
before :each do
allow(File).to receive(:exist?).and_call_original
allow(Puppet.features).to receive(:facter_cacheable?) { true }
it 'should return and save a computed value with an empty cache' do
stub_const("Facter::Util::FacterCacheable", fake_class)
expect(Facter::Util::FacterCacheable).to receive(:cached?).with(
:my_fact, 24 * 3600) { nil }
expect(Facter::Util::Resolution).to receive(:exec).with(
'some special comand') { mydata }
expect(Facter::Util::FacterCacheable).to receive(:cache).with(
:my_fact, mydata)
expect(Facter.value(:my_fact).to eq(mydata)
it 'should return a cached value with a full cache' do
stub_const("Facter::Util::FacterCacheable", fake_class)
expect(Facter::Util::FacterCacheable).to receive(:cached?).with(
:my_fact, 24 * 3600) { mydata }
expect(mod).to_not receive(:my_fact)
expect(Facter.value(:my_fact)).to eq(mydata)
The key parts are the :fake_class
and the stub_const()
calls. These setup
a kind of double that can be used by rSpec to hook into the Facter context.
- Facter Part 3: Caching and TTL
- Caching External Facts
- Puppet Cookbook: Deploying Custom Facts
- mcollective in puppet-modules
- Only two hard things in Computer Science
Supports F/OSS Puppet 4.7.0+. Tested on AIX, recent vintage Solaris, SuSE, RedHat and RedHat-derivatives.
Does not support Puppet Enterprise due to the cached value wipe on each run.
Don't be surprised if is works elsewhere, too. Or if it sets your house on fire.
The name of this module, facter_cacheable, was chosen to not conflict with other
existing implementations such as the Facter::Util::Cacheable
support in early
implementations of waveclaw/subscription_manager
Please see CONTRIBUTING for advice on contributions.