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Connector Introduction

Connector is a Java based backend extension for WaveMaker applications. Connectors are built as Java modules & exposes java based SDK to interact with the connector implementation. Each connector is built for a specific purpose and can be integrated with one of the external services. Connectors are imported & used in the WaveMaker application. Each connector runs on its own container thereby providing the ability to have it’s own version of the third party dependencies.

Features of Connectors

  1. Connector is a java based extension which can be integrated with external services and reused in many Wavemaker applications.
  2. Each connector can work as an SDK for an external system.
  3. Connectors can be imported once in a WaveMaker application and used many times in the applications by creating multiple instances.
  4. Connectors are executed in its own container in the WaveMaker application, as a result there are no dependency version conflict issues between connectors.

About kafka-connector

This Connector exposes APIs to intracts with Apacahe Kafka Cluster which can be integrated into WaveMaker Application.

Kafka Introduction

Apache Kafka is a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system.Kafka is fast, scalable, durable, fault-tolerant and distributed messaging system by design. It was originally developed by Linked later it became of part of Apache project.

Kafka Fundamentals


Messages belongs to a particular category is known as topic.


Topics are split into partitions, for each topic Kafka will keep at least one partition.


A Kafka cluster consists of one or more servers (Kafka brokers) running Kafka. A Kafka server, a Kafka broker and a Kafka node all refer to the same concept in cluster.

Kafka Controller

Within a Kafka cluster, a single broker serves as the active controller which is responsible for state management of partitions and replicas. So in your case, if you have a cluster with 100 brokers, one of them will act as the controller.

Zoo Keeper

Zookeeper is a top-level software developed by Apache that acts as a centralized service and is used to maintain naming and configuration data. Zookeeper keeps track of status of the Kafka cluster nodes and it also keeps track of Kafka topics, partitions etc.


Consumers read data from brokers. Consumers subscribes to one or more topics and consume published messages by pulling data from the brokers.

Consumer Group

When multiple consumers are subscribed to a topic and belong to the same consumer group. Each Consumer group has unique Id and each group can register for one or more topics.


You can build this connector using following command

mvn clean install 


You can import connector dist/ artifact in WaveMaker studio application using file upload option. On after deploying Kafka-Connector in the WaveMaker studio application, make sure to update connector properties in the profile properties.Such as zookeeper IP, Kafka brokers IPs...etc

Using Connector in WaveMaker

This connector has three connector interfaces which are used for different operations in Kafka cluster.


This connector Interface apis are used to manages topics in the Kafka cluster.Such as creating, Listing, Deleting, Updating Topics in the cluster.

private KafkaTopicConnector kafkaTopicConnector;

String topicName = "demoTopic";
kafkaTopicConnector.createTopic(topicName, 2, 1, new Properties());


This connector interface apis are used to send massages to specific topic in the kafka cluster

private KafkaProducerConnector kafkaProducerConnector;

KafkaProducer<Integer, String> kafkaProducer = kafkaProducerConnector.getKafkaProducer(topicName, Integer.class, String.class);
kafkaProducer.send(1,"Hello, Welcome to kafka connector");


This connector interface apis are used to consume message from a specific topic using consumer groups in the kafka cluster.

private KafkaConsumerConnector kafkaConsumerConnector;

KafkaConsumer<String, String> kafkaConsumer = kafkaConsumerConnector.getKafkaConsumer("group1", 2, Integer.class, String.class);
kafkaConsumer.start(topicName, new KafkaConsumerCallback<Integer, String>() {
   public void onMessage(ConsumerRecord<Integer, String> record, Acknowledgment acknowledgment) {"Consumer receiving messages : " + record.key() + ":" + record.value() + " in partition [ " + record.partition() + " ]" + " with offset no [ " + record.offset() + " ]");

Apart from above apis, there are other apis in each connector interface, please visit connector interfaces in the kafka-api module.