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Version 2.0.3

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@DenisSerebryansky DenisSerebryansky released this 06 May 10:02

In this release

This release basically affects order validation. It also contains fixes and improvements with a fresh Node's version dependency.


No needed.

Settings migration

  1. We removed setting. All active orders will be available via REST API order history methods.
  2. Settings waves.dex.max-active-orders (our value is 400) and waves.dex.order-db.max-orders (our value is 100) added. Please, specify them.


The NODE dependency was updated to 1.1.10.


Orders validation

  • Order fee validation was changed. So far it was possible to place buy order with received asset equals to fee asset and without sufficient balance by fee asset to cover matcher fee (if received amount would be greater than fee). Now this trick is forbidden and it is required to have sufficient balance to cover matcher fee in any case. Use gateway assets for fee payment;
  • Market order validation by order book state has been weakened. Senders of market orders are not required to have sufficient balance to fully fill their order amounts. Nevertheless, its required to have nonzero balance by spendable asset and sufficient balance to cover matcher fee. Validation of the market orders price remains.


  • Admin method cancelAllById has been added. It allows to cancel orders by a list of order ids;
  • GET /matcher/settings - now contains matcher's public key and network byte;
  • Max active and closed orders counts now can be set in appropriate settings in application.conf (in waves.dex.max-active-orders and waves.dex.order-db.max-orders respectively). Max active order count was increased to 400. Order history methods in REST API got ability to retrieve all active and closed orders.


  • Added support for Base58 in Waves DEX Cli.


  • GET /matcher/orderbook/{amountAsset}/{priceAsset} - loss of the query parameter depth during redirection fixed;
  • GET ​/matcher​/orderbook​/{amountAsset}​/{priceAsset}​/tradableBalance​/{address} - excess assets in response fixed;
  • Batch order cancel returns the latest order status;
  • Saving of orders with rounding issues into Postgres history database fixed;
  • After failing of storing order placement event in queue reserved balance is freed and order is removed from active ones;
  • Fixed issues those led to unexpected order cancellation and wrong rejection of the order placements;
  • Improved balance stream from Node. Detecting of a stream closing from the client side added.

Other changes

  • We removed .travis.yml. Compilation and unit test command checkPR was renamed to quickCheck. Introduced fullCheck command to run quickCheck and integration tests too.

SHA256 Checksums

11e6c40aab3ade6274ed374657e10ec04370b7665fedf0525e6b6a34f2f59506 waves-dex_2.0.3_all.deb
0076f9e3101e34dd3cb3533e6faee07790c27e13d4a602cb5526215f9bc96a9c waves-dex-extension_2.0.3_all.deb
dc79ff1be76ec4857630e68e686867b6117e0d3198c0520109f4cfe45babf35a waves-dex-extension-testnet_2.0.3_all.deb
019ce9e7a0b8f1f950496f29f83095f7061e87df7c5c830db422ae91a9789fd6 waves-dex-extension-stagenet_2.0.3_all.deb