- Pulls the end of day Canadian/US stock prices from Stockwatch and updates Moneydance.
- Does canadian mutual fund and exchange rates too.
- You need to be logged into stockwatch and have an account with them.
- runScripts-shared.py .. run this script with moneydance->window->"Show MoneyBot Console"
- It runs many scripts via a tree menu system.
- open the "Run Stockwatch Update Scripts" folder.
- select updateDaylyStockWatch.py.
- hit the "Run Script Button" at the bottom.
- scripts will run in this order.
- updateDaylyStockWatch.py -- runs the fetch scripts and processes the results.
- fetchhtmlDaylyStockwatch.py -- gets the csv file from stockwatch with all the closing prices by exchange.
- fetch-Stockwatch-ID.py -- uses python and sqlite to get the stockwatch cookie with user ID in it.(stockwatchID.txt)
- fetchhtmlDaylyStockwatchIndexs.py --- gets the exchange rates for all the currencies
- fetch-Stockwatch-ID.py -- uses python and sqlite to get the stockwatch cookie with ID in it.
- finish up back in updateDaylyStockWatch.py -- process all the csv files in StockwatchDay and move them to Done.
- /opt/moneydance/scripts/tmp/StockwatchDay.
- /opt/moneydance/scripts/tmp/Done.
- /opt/moneydance/scripts/tmp/stockwatchID.txt
- /opt/moneydance/scripts/tmp/StockwatchDay/indexs.csv
- /opt/moneydance/scripts/tmp/StockwatchDay/stoclwatch.csv
- Progress is reported on the "MoneyBot Conosle"
- Also check the Message Console for Errors / Crashes.
- definitions.py is used to filter the large amount of data provided by www.stockwatch.com
- so that only securities and exchange rates we are interested in get saved in moneydance.
- you will need to edit this file to reflect the stocks / currencies you are interested in.
- the dictionary to change is StockPriceHistoryStockwatch = {
- Run this script every day after the markets close (30 minutes later).
- It only takes about 30 seconds to run it.