A pure Java implementation of a Borromean Ring Signature scheme.
This type of signature allows privacy preserving signing. It can be used in conjunction with zero-knowledge proofs to certify that somebody who is part of a certain group has a piece of data, without revealing the identity of the owner.
Part of Weavechain: The Layer-0 For Data
implementation 'com.weavechain:borromean-ring-sig:1.0'
Generate a signature
SecureRandom rng = new SecureRandom();
byte[] pvk1 = new byte[32];
byte[] pvk2 = new byte[32];
byte[] pvk3 = new byte[32];
byte[] pvk4 = new byte[32];
byte[] pvk5 = new byte[32];
byte[] pvk6 = new byte[32];
byte[] pvk7 = new byte[32];
X9ECParameters cv = CustomNamedCurves.getByName("secp256k1");
ECPoint pub1 = cv.getG().multiply(new BigInteger(1, pvk1));
ECPoint pub2 = cv.getG().multiply(new BigInteger(1, pvk2));
ECPoint pub3 = cv.getG().multiply(new BigInteger(1, pvk3));
ECPoint pub4 = cv.getG().multiply(new BigInteger(1, pvk4));
ECPoint pub5 = cv.getG().multiply(new BigInteger(1, pvk5));
ECPoint pub6 = cv.getG().multiply(new BigInteger(1, pvk6));
ECPoint pub7 = cv.getG().multiply(new BigInteger(1, pvk7));
List<ECPoint> ring1 = List.of(pub1, pub2, pub3, pub4);
List<ECPoint> ring2 = List.of(pub5, pub6, pub7);
List<List<ECPoint>> rings = List.of(ring1, ring2);
List<byte[]> knownPrivateKeys = List.of(pvk1, pvk6);
List<Integer> ringIndexes = List.of(0, 1);
BorromeanRingSigParams params = new BorromeanRingSigParams(rings, knownPrivateKeys, ringIndexes);
BorromeanRingSig sig = new BorromeanRingSig(params);
String message = "zkp";
byte[] signature = sig.sign(message);
Verify a signature
BorromeanRingSig sigCheck = new BorromeanRingSig(new BorromeanRingSigParams(rings, null, null));
boolean check = sigCheck.verify(message, signature);
System.out.println(check ? "Success" : "Fail");
Read more about Weavechain at https://docs.weavechain.com