Zero Knowledge Proofs gadgets built using the pure Java Bulletproofs implementation.
Bulletproofs are short non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs that require no trusted setup.
Paper (B. Bünz, J. Bootle, D. Boneh, A. Poelstra, P. Wuille, and G. Maxwell. Bulletproofs: Short proofs for confidential transactions and more. 2018 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), pages 315–334, May 2018)
Partially based on the Rust implementation by Lovesh Harchandani
implementation 'com.weavechain:bulletproofs-gadgets:1.0.6'
- NumberInRange
- NumbersInRange
- NumberIsPositive
- NumbersArePositive
- NumbersSumTo
- RecordsWithHashesSumTo
- RecordsWithHashPreImageSumTo
- RecordsAddUpdateProof
- NumberIsNonZero
- NumbersAreNonZero
- NumberIsZero
- NumberIsNotEqual
- NumberIsEqual
- NumberInList
- NumberNotInList
- NumberIsGreaterOrEqual
- NumberIsLessOrEqual
- MiMCHashPreImage
- MiMCStringHashPreImage
This bulletproofs gadgets library has been partially audited and is provided as-is, we make no guarantees or warranties to its safety, security and reliability.
Few usage samples below:
NumberInRangeParams params = new NumberInRangeParams(
Long value = 16L;
PedersenCommitment pc = PedersenCommitment.getDefault();
Scalar rnd = Utils.randomScalar();
BulletProofGenerators bg1 = new BulletProofGenerators(128, 1);
Proof proof = bulletProofs.generate(Gadgets.number_in_range, value, params, rnd, pc, bg1);
Proof proof2 = Proof.deserialize(proof.serialize());
BulletProofGenerators bg2 = new BulletProofGenerators(128, 1);
boolean match = bulletProofs.verify(Gadgets.number_in_range, params, proof2, pc, bg2);
System.out.println(match ? "Success" : "Fail");
NumbersSumToParams params = new NumbersSumToParams(10L, 4, 10);
List<Long> values = List.of(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L);
PedersenCommitment pc = PedersenCommitment.getDefault();
Scalar rnd = Utils.randomScalar();
BulletProofGenerators bg1 = new BulletProofGenerators(128, 1);
Proof proof = bulletProofs.generate(Gadgets.numbers_sum_to, values, params, rnd, pc, bg1);
Proof proof2 = Proof.deserialize(proof.serialize());
BulletProofGenerators bg2 = new BulletProofGenerators(128, 1);
boolean match = bulletProofs.verify(Gadgets.numbers_sum_to, params, proof2, pc, bg2);
System.out.println(match ? "Success" : "Fail");
NumberInListParams params = new NumberInListParams(List.of(1L, 3L, 128L, 145L), 8);
Long value = 128L;
PedersenCommitment pc = PedersenCommitment.getDefault();
Scalar rnd = Utils.randomScalar();
BulletProofGenerators bg1 = new BulletProofGenerators(128, 1);
Proof proof = bulletProofs.generate(Gadgets.number_in_list, value, params, rnd, pc, bg1);
Proof proof2 = Proof.deserialize(proof.serialize());
BulletProofGenerators bg2 = new BulletProofGenerators(128, 1);
boolean match = bulletProofs.verify(Gadgets.number_in_list, params, proof2, pc, bg2);
System.out.println(match ? "Success" : "Fail");
Weavechain is a Layer-0 for Data, adding Web3 Security and Data Economics to data stored in private vaults in any of the traditional databases.