This is a fork of the Cache Purge Helper plugin, tailored for use by Weave Digital on GridPane. It includes additional hooks for Beaver Builder, ACF, and WP-Umbrella to trigger NGINX Helper and LiteSpeed Cache plugin purges.
- Integration with ACF Options pages updates to trigger cache purges.
- Integration with WP-Umbrella to ensure proper cache clearing after plugin updates.
- Proper cache clearing sequence (Beaver Builder first, then Nginx/LiteSpeed) to prevent 404 errors.
- Logging prefix updated from
. - Versioning starts at
to signify the fork.
- Support for Elementor, Autoptimize, and Oxygen builders to streamline functionality for Weave Digital's specific needs and Beaver Builder.
This fork is based on the Cache Purge Helper plugin by Paul Stoute, Jordan Trask, and Jeff Cleverley.
- Paul Stoute - Stoute Web Solutions
- Jordan Trask - GitHub
- Jeff Cleverley - GridPane
- Gareth Bissland - Weave Digital Studio (Fork Author)
When installing this plugin from GitHub:
- Go to the Releases page
- Download the latest release ZIP file
- Extract the ZIP file on your computer
- Rename the extracted folder to remove the version number
(e.g., fromweave-cache-purge-helper-1.1.0
) - Create a new ZIP file from the renamed folder
- In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins → Add New → Upload Plugin
- Upload your new ZIP file and activate the plugin
Note: The folder renaming step is necessary for WordPress to properly handle plugin updates and functionality.
Enable PHP error_log for WP:
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false ); // Optional
define( 'WC_PHP_DEBUG', true ); // Custom logging
Enable Secure WP Debug via toggle switch then add define( 'WC_PHP_DEBUG', true );
to your website user-configs.php
This plugin ensures that caches are cleared in the correct order:
- First: Beaver Builder cache is cleared
- Second: Nginx Helper or LiteSpeed cache is cleared
This sequence prevents 404 errors that can occur when Nginx serves cached HTML that references old, non-existent Beaver Builder asset files.
- Original Plugin URI: Cache Purge Helper on GitHub
- Author of the Fork: Gareth Bissland - GitHub
For detailed changes, see the