❤️ I prefer Next JS on frontend and Django with PostgreSQL and/or MongoDB and/or MySQL on backend 🤔 I'm currently working on Kubernetes with edge computing.
✨ I study: Python, React, Next , Django ...
- 🔭 I’m looking to collaborate on commercial projects and startups
- 📫 How to reach me: Email
- 💬 Ask me about
- ⚡ Fun fact I think I am Robot🤖 who Love Coding 20/7
- 3+ years of experience in Python , Django and React
- 1+ years of experience in Kubernetes
- 1+ years of experience in Cpp
- 🏆 Chat bots (Telegram, Twitter, Facebook Messenger)
- ❤️ API, RESTful API, GraphQL
- HTML/CSS, Javascript
- git, docker, CI/CD
- SQL, MySQL, NoSQL, Redis, PostgreSQL, MongoDB ...
- LocalStorage, SessionStorage, JWT
I genuinely enjoy connecting with new people so if you'd like to say hi, I'd be delighted to get to know you better! :)