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MicroPython Asynchronous MQTT

MQTT Packets are passed between clients using a publish/subscribe model. They consist of a topic and a message string. Clients subscribe to a topic and will receive all packets published by any client under that topic.

The protocol supports three "quality of service" (qos) levels. Level 0 offers no guarantees. Level 1 ensures that a packet is communicated to the recipient but duplication can occur. Level 2 avoids duplication; it is not supported by the official driver or by this module. Duplicates can readily be handled at the application level.

1. Contents

  1. Contents
    1.1 Rationale
    1.2 Overview
    1.3 Project Status
    1.4 ESP8266 limitations
    1.5 ESP32 Issues
    1.6 Pyboard D
    1.7 Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect
    1.8 RP2 Pico W
    1.9 Limitations Please read this.
  2. Getting started
    2.1 Program files
    2.2 Installation
    2.3 Example Usage
  3. MQTTClient class
    3.1 Constructor
    3.2 Methods
         3.2.1 connect
         3.2.2 publish
         3.2.3 subscribe
         3.2.4 unsubscribe
         3.2.5 isconnected
         3.2.6 disconnect
         3.2.7 close
         3.2.8 broker_up
         3.2.9 wan_ok
         3.2.10 dprint
    3.3 Class Variables
    3.4 Module Attribute
  4. Notes
    4.1 Connectivity
    4.2 Client publications with qos == 1
    4.3 Client subscriptions with qos == 1
    4.4 Application Design
         4.4.1 Publication Timeouts
         4.4.2 Behaviour on power up
  5. Non standard applications Usage in specialist and micropower applications.
    5.1 deepsleep
    5.2 lightsleep and disconnect
  6. References

1.1 Rationale

The official "robust" MQTT client has the following limitations.

  1. It is unable reliably to resume operation after a temporary WiFi outage.

  2. It uses blocking sockets which can cause execution to pause for arbitrary periods when accessing a slow broker. It can also block forever in the case of qos == 1 publications while it waits for a publication acknowledge which never arrives; this can occur on a WiFi network if an outage occurs at this point in the sequence.

This blocking behaviour implies limited compatibility with asynchronous applications since pending coroutines will not be scheduled for the duration.

  1. Its support for qos == 1 is partial. It does not support retransmission in the event of a publication acknowledge being lost. This can occur on a WiFi network especially near the limit of range or in the presence of interference.

  2. Its partial qos == 1 support and inability reliably to resume after a WiFi outage places a limit on the usable WiFi range. To achieve reliable operation a client must be well within range of the access point (AP).

This module aims to address these issues, at the cost of significant code size.

1.2 Overview

This module provides a "resilient" non-blocking MQTT driver. In this context "resilient" means capable of reliable operation in the presence of poor WiFi connectivity and dropouts. Clearly during a dropout or broker outage communication is impossible but when connectivity resumes the driver recovers transparently.

Near the limit of WiFi range communication delays may be incurred owing to retransmissions and reconnections but nonblocking behaviour and qos == 1 integrity are maintained.

It supports qos levels 0 and 1. In the case of packets with qos == 1 retransmissions will occur until the packet has successfully been transferred. If the WiFi fails (e.g. the device moves out out of range of the AP) the coroutine performing the publication will pause until connectivity resumes.

The driver requires the uasyncio library and is intended for applications that use it. It uses nonblocking sockets and does not block the scheduler. The design is based on the official umqtt library but it has been substantially modified for resilience and for asynchronous operation.

It is primarily intended for applications which open a link to the MQTT broker aiming to maintainin that link indefinitely. Applications which close and re-open the link (e.g. for power saving purposes) are subject to limitations detailed in Non standard applications.

Hardware support: Pyboard D, ESP8266, ESP32, ESP32-S2, Pico W and Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect.
Firmware support: Official MicroPython firmware V1.19 or later.
Broker support: Mosquitto is preferred for its excellent MQTT compliance.
Protocol: The module supports a subset of MQTT revision 3.1.1.

1.3 Project Status

Initial development was by Peter Hinch. Thanks are due to Kevin Köck for providing and testing a number of bugfixes and enhancements. Also to other contributors, some mentioned below.

8 Aug 2022 V0.6.6 Support unsubscribe (courtesy of Kevin Köck's fork).
11 July 2022 V0.6.5 Support RP2 Pico W
5 July 2022 V0.6.4 Implement enhacements from Bob Veringa. Fix bug where tasks could fail to be stopped on a brief outage. Subscription callbacks now receive bytearrays rather than bytes objects.
10 June 2022 Lowpower demo removed as it required an obsolete version of uasyncio. Improved handling of clean_init (issue #40).
21 May 2022 SSL/TLS ESP8266 support contributed by @SooOverpowered: see
22 Apr 2022 Support added for Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect. See note below.
2 Aug 2021 SSL/TLS on ESP32 has now been confirmed working. Reference.

1.4 ESP8266 limitations

The module is too large to compile on the ESP8266 and should be precompiled or preferably frozen as bytecode. On the reference board with mqtt_as frozen, the demo script range_ex reports 27.4K of free RAM while running. The code disables automatic sleep: this reduces reconnects at cost of increased power consumption.

Notes on the Sonoff Basic R3 may be found here.

1.5 ESP32 issues

Firmware must now be official firmware as described above. The Loboris port has been abandoned by its author and is no longer supported.

1.6 Pyboard D

The library has been tested successfully with the Pyboard D SF2W and SF6W. In testing it has clocked up eight weeks of continuous runtime and nearly 1M messages without failure or data loss.

1.7 Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect

NINA firmware must up to date otherwise MicroPython produces error messages. See this doc. Reading RSSI seems to break the WiFi link so should be avoided - the demo disables this on this platform.

1.8 RP2 Pico W

The mqtt_as code should be V0.6.5 or later to avoid very slow recovery from outages.

1.9 Limitations

The MQTT 3.1 protocol supports extremely long messages. On a microcontroller message length is limited by available RAM. The actual limit will depend on the platform and user code but it is wise to design on the basis of a maximum of around 1KiB.

Some platforms - notably ESP32 - are unhelpful when dealing with gross errors such as incorrect WiFi credentials. Initial connection will only fail after a one minute timeout. Other platforms enable an immediate bail-out.

2. Getting started

2.1 Program files

Required files

  1. The main module.
  2. Stores cross-project settings. See below.

Test/demo scripts

  1. Test/demo program using MQTT Clean Session.
  2. Test/demo program with MQTT Clean Session False.
  3. For WiFi range testing.
  4. As above but also publishes RSSI and free RAM. See code listing for limitations.
  5. pubtest Bash script illustrating publication with Mosquitto.
  6. Example for auto-starting an application.
  7. Demo of SSL/TLS connection to a public broker. This runs on a Pyboard D. Publishes every 20s and subscribes to same topic. Connection to this public broker, though encrypted, is insecure because anyone can subscribe.
  8. SSL/TLS connectionfor ESP8266. Shows how to use keys and certificates. For obvious reasons it requires editing to run.

This file will require editing before deploying to all nodes in a project. As a minimum it contains broker details but usually also holds WiFi credentials.

The ESP8266 stores WiFi credentials internally: if the ESP8266 has connected to the LAN prior to running there is no need explicitly to specify these. On other platforms, or to have the capability of running on an ESP8266 which has not previously connected, should be edited to provide them. This is a sample cross-platform file:

from mqtt_as import config

config['server'] = ''  # Change to suit e.g. ''

# Required on Pyboard D and ESP32. On ESP8266 these may be omitted (see above).
config['ssid'] = 'my_WiFi_SSID'
config['wifi_pw'] = 'my_password'

2.2 Installation

The module is too large to compile on the ESP8266. It must either be cross compiled or (preferably) built as frozen bytecode: copy to esp8266/modules in the source tree, build and deploy. Copy to the filesystem for convenience.

On other platforms simply copy the Python source to the filesystem (items 1 and 2 above as a minimum).

2.3 Example Usage

The following illustrates the library's use. If a PC client publishes a message with the topic foo_topic the topic and message are printed. The code periodically publishes an incrementing count under the topic result.

from mqtt_as import MQTTClient, config
import uasyncio as asyncio

SERVER = ''  # Change to suit e.g. ''

def callback(topic, msg, retained):
    print((topic, msg, retained))

async def conn_han(client):
    await client.subscribe('foo_topic', 1)

async def main(client):
    await client.connect()
    n = 0
    while True:
        await asyncio.sleep(5)
        print('publish', n)
        # If WiFi is down the following will pause for the duration.
        await client.publish('result', '{}'.format(n), qos = 1)
        n += 1

config['subs_cb'] = callback
config['connect_coro'] = conn_han
config['server'] = SERVER

MQTTClient.DEBUG = True  # Optional: print diagnostic messages
client = MQTTClient(config)
    client.close()  # Prevent LmacRxBlk:1 errors

The code may be tested by running pubtest in one terminal and, in another, mosquitto_sub -h -t result (change the IP address to match your broker).

If an application is to auto-run on power-up it can be necessary to add a short delay in

import time
time.sleep(5)  # Could probably be shorter
import range  # Your application

This is platform dependent and gives the hardware time to initialise.

3. MQTTClient class

The module provides a single class: MQTTClient.

3.1 Constructor

This takes a dictionary as argument. The default is mqtt_as.config. Normally an application imports this and modifies selected entries as required. Entries are as follows (default values shown in []):

WiFi Credentials

These are required for platforms other than ESP8266 where they are optional. If the ESP8266 has previously connected to the required LAN the chip can reconnect automatically. If credentials are provided, an ESP8266 which has no stored values or which has stored values which don't match any available network will attempt to connect to the specified LAN.

'ssid' [None]
'wifi_pw' [None]

MQTT parameters

'client_id' [auto-generated unique ID] Must be a bytes instance.
'server' [None] Broker IP address (mandatory).
'port' [0] 0 signifies default port (1883 or 8883 for SSL).
'user' [''] MQTT credentials (if required).
'password' [''] If a password is provided a user must also exist.
'keepalive' [60] Period (secs) before broker regards client as having died.
'ping_interval' [0] Period (secs) between broker pings. 0 == use default.
'ssl' [False] If True use SSL.
'ssl_params' [{}] See this post for details on how to populate this dictionary. 'response_time' [10] Time in which server is expected to respond (s). See note below.
'clean_init' [True] Clean Session state on initial connection.
'clean' [True] Clean session state on reconnection.
'max_repubs' [4] Maximum no. of republications before reconnection is attempted.
'will' : [None] A list or tuple defining the last will (see below).

Callbacks and coros

'subs_cb' [a null lambda function] Subscription callback. Runs when a message is received whose topic matches a subscription. The callback must take three args, topic, message and retained. The first two are bytes instances, retained is a bool, True if the message is a retained message.
'wifi_coro' [a null coro] A coroutine. Defines a task to run when the network state changes. The coro receives a single bool arg being the network state.
'connect_coro' [a null coro] A coroutine. Defines a task to run when a connection to the broker has been established. This is typically used to register and renew subscriptions. The coro receives a single argument, the client instance.


The response_time entry works as follows. If a read or write operation times out, the connection is presumed dead and the reconnection process begins. If a qos == 1 publication is not acknowledged in this period, republication will occur. May need extending for slow internet connections.

The will entry defines a publication which the broker will issue if it determines that the connection has timed out. This is a tuple or list comprising [topic (string), msg (string), retain (bool), qos (0 or 1)]. If the arg is provided all elements are mandatory.

Clean sessions: If clean is set, messages from the server during an outage will be lost regardless of their qos level.

If clean is False messages sent from the server with qos == 1 will be received when connectivity resumes. This is standard MQTT behaviour (MQTT spec section If the outage is prolonged this can imply a substantial backlog. On the ESP8266 this can cause buffer overflows in the Espressif WiFi stack causing LmacRxBlk:1 errors to appear. see this doc.

clean_init should normally be True. If False the system will attempt to restore a prior session on the first connection. This may result in a large backlog of qos == 1 messages being received with consequences described above. MQTT spec

3.2 Methods

Note re data types. Messages and topics may be strings provided that all characters have ordinal values <= 127 (Unicode single byte characters). Otherwise the string encode method should be used to convert them to bytes objects.

3.2.1 connect


Keyword only arg:

Connects to the specified broker. The application should call connect once on startup. If this fails (due to WiFi or the broker being unavailable) an OSError will be raised. Subsequent reconnections after outages are handled automatically.

3.2.2 publish


If connectivity is OK the coro will complete immediately, else it will pause until the WiFi/broker are accessible. Section 4.2 describes qos == 1 operation.


  1. topic A bytes or bytearray object. Or ASCII string as described above.
  2. msg A bytes or bytearray object.
  3. retain=False Boolean.
  4. qos=0 Integer.

3.2.3 subscribe


Subscriptions should be created in the connect coroutine to ensure they are re-established after an outage.

The coro will pause until a SUBACK has been received from the broker, if necessary reconnecting to a failed network.


  1. topic A bytes or bytearray object. Or ASCII string as described above.
  2. qos=0 Integer.

It is possible to subscribe to multiple topics but there can only be one subscription callback.

3.2.4 unsubscribe


The coro will pause until an UNSUBACK has been received from the broker, if necessary reconnecting to a failed network.


  1. topic A bytes or bytearray object. Or ASCII string as described above.

If there is no subscription in place with the passed topic name the method will complete normally. This is in accordance with MQTT spec 3.10.4 Response.

3.2.5 isconnected

Synchronous. No args.

Returns True if connectivity is OK otherwise it returns False and schedules reconnection attempts.

3.2.6 disconnect

Asynchronous. No args.

Sends a DISCONNECT packet to the broker, closes socket. Disconnection suppresses the Will (MQTT spec. This may be done prior to a power down or deepsleep. For restrictions on the use of this method see lightsleep and disconnect.

3.2.7 close

Synchronous. No args.

Shuts down the WiFi interface and closes the socket. Its main use is in development to prevent ESP8266 LmacRxBlk:1 failures if an application raises an exception or is terminated with ctrl-C (see Example Usage.

3.2.8 broker_up

Asynchronous. No args.

Unless data was received in the last second it issues an MQTT ping and waits for a response. If it times out (response_time exceeded) with no response it returns False otherwise it returns True.

3.2.9 wan_ok


Returns True if internet connectivity is available, else False. It first checks current WiFi and broker connectivity. If present, it sends a DNS query to '' and checks for a valid response.

There is a single arg packet which is a bytes object being the DNS query. The default object queries the Google DNS server.

3.2.10 dprint

If the class variable DEBUG is true, debug messages are output via dprint. This method can be redefined in a subclass, for example to log debug output to a file. The method takes an arbitrary number of positional args as per print.

3.3 Class Variables

  1. DEBUG If True causes diagnostic messages to be printed.
  2. REPUB_COUNT For debug purposes. Logs the total number of republications with the same PID which have occurred since startup.

3.4 Module Attribute

  1. VERSION A 3-tuple of ints (major, minor, micro) e.g. (0, 5, 0).

4. Notes

4.1 Connectivity

If keepalive is defined in the constructor call, the broker will assume that connectivity has been lost if no messages have been received in that period. The module attempts to keep the connection open by issuing an MQTT ping up to four times during the keepalive interval. (It pings if the last response from the broker was over 1/4 of the keepalive period). More frequent pings may be desirable to reduce latency in subscribe-only applications. This may be done using the ping_interval configuration option.

If the broker times out it will issue the "last will" publication (if any). This will be received by other clients subscribed to the topic.

If the client determines that connectivity has been lost it will close the socket and periodically attempt to reconnect until it succeeds.

In the event of failing connectivity client and server publications with qos == 0 may be lost. The behaviour of qos == 1 packets is described below.

4.2 Client publications with qos 1

These behave as follows. The client waits for response_time. If no acknowledgment has been received it re-publishes it, up to MAX_REPUBS times. In the absence of acknowledgment the network is presumed to be down. The client reconnects as described above. The publication is then attempted again as a new message with a different PID. (The new PID proved necessary for Mosquitto to recognise the message).

This effectively guarantees the reception of a qos == 1 publication, with the proviso that the publishing coroutine will block until reception has been acknowledged.

It is permissible for qos == 1 publications to run concurrently with each paused pending acknowledgement, however this has implications for resource constrained devices. See Section 4.4.

4.3 Client subscriptions with qos 1

Where the client is subscribed to a topic with qos == 1 and a publication with qos == 1 occurs the broker will re-publish until an acknowledgment is received. If the broker deems that connectivity has failed it waits for the client to reconnect. If the client was configured with clean set True, qos == 1 messages published during the outage will be lost. Otherwise they will be received in quick succession (which can overflow the buffer on an ESP8266 resulting in LmacRxBlk:1 messages).

4.4 Application design

The module allows concurrent publications and registration of subscriptions.

When using qos == 1 publications on hardware with limited resources such as ESP8266 it is wise to avoid concurrency by implementing a single publication task. In such cases if a publication queue is required it should be implemented by the application.

On capable hardware it is valid to have multiple coroutines performing qos == 1 publications asynchronously, but there are implications where connectivity with the broker is slow: an accumulation of tasks waiting on PUBACK packets implies consumption of resources.

The WiFi and Connect coroutines should run to completion quickly relative to the time required to connect and disconnect from the network. Aim for 2 seconds maximum. Alternatively the Connect coro can run indefinitely so long as it terminates if the isconnected() method returns False.

The subscription callback will block publications and the reception of further subscribed messages and should therefore be designed for a fast return.

4.4.1 Publication Timeouts

A contributor (Kevin Köck) was concerned that, in the case of a connectivity outage, a publication might be delayed to the point where it was excessively outdated. He wanted to implement a timeout to cancel the publication if an outage caused high latency.

Simple cancellation of a publication task is not recommended because it can disrupt the MQTT protocol. There are several ways to address this:

  1. Send a timestamp as part of the publication with subscribers taking appropriate action in the case of delayed messages.
  2. Check connectivity before publishing. This is not absolutely certain as connectivity might fail between the check and publication commencing.
  3. Subclass the MQTTClient and acquire the self.lock object before issuing the cancellation. The self.lock object protects a protocol sequence so that it cannot be disrupted by another task. This was the method successfully adopted and can be seen in

This was not included in the library mainly because most use cases are covered by use of a timestamp. Other reasons are documented in the code comments.

4.4.2 Behaviour on power up

The library aims to handle connectivity outages transparently, however power cycling of the client must be considered at application level. When the application calls the client's connect method any failure will cause an OSError to be raised. This is by design because the action to be taken is application-dependent. A check on WiFi or broker function may be required. There may be a need to fall back to a different network. In other applications brief power outages may be expected: when power resumes the client will simply reconnect. If an error occurs the application might wait for a period before re-trying.

The behaviour of "clean session" should be considered in this context. If the clean flag is False and a long power outage occurs there may be a large backlog of messages. This can cause problems on resource constrained clients, notably if the client has been taken out of service for a few days.

The clean_init flag aims to address the case where the application normally runs with clean==True. If clean_init=False and clean=True, on power up existing session state is discarded. Subsequently in the event of connectivity outages subscriptions will meet the qos==1 guarantee.

If on power up both flags are True the broker will forward messages pending since the last (non-clean) session.

5. Non standard applications

Normal operation of mqtt_as is based on attempting to keep the link up as much as possible. This assures minimum latency for subscriptions but implies power draw. The machine module supports two power saving modes: lightsleep and deepsleep. Currently uasyncio supports neither of these modes. The notes below may be relevant to any application which deliberately closes and re-opens the link to the broker.

5.1 deepsleep

Maximum power savings may be achieved by periodically connecting, handling publications and pending subscriptions, and entering deepsleep. With suitable hardware it is possible to produce an MQTT client with very low average power consumption. This is done by keeping the application run time short and using machine.deepsleep to sleep for a period. When the period expires the board resets and re-starts the application.

Hardware tested was the UM Feather S2 available from Adafruit. My sample consumes only 66μA in deepsleep mode. It has a switchable LDO regulator allowing external sensors to be powered down when the host is in deepsleep. It also supports battery operation via a LiPo cell with USB charging. A Pyboard D with WBUS-DIP28 has similar properties.

The test script wakes up periodically and connects to WiFi. It publishes the value from the onboard light sensor, and subscribes to the topic "foo_topic". Any matching publications which occured during deepsleep are received and revealed by flashing the blue LED.

Note that deepsleep disables USB. This is inconvenient in development. The script has a test mode in which deepsleep is replaced by time.sleep and machine.soft_reset keeping the USB link active. An alternative approach to debugging is to use a UART with an FTDI adaptor. Such a link can survive a deep sleep.

Each time the client goes into deepsleep it issues .disconnect(). This sends an MQTT DISCONNECT packet to the broker suppressing the last will as per MQTT spec para The reasoning is that deepsleep periods are likely to be much longer than the keepalive time. Using .disconnect() ensures that a last will message is only triggered in the event of a failure such as a program crash.

In applications which close the connection and deepsleep, power consumption may be further reduced by setting the quick arg to .connect. On connecting or re-connecting after an outage a check is made to ensure that WiFi connectivity is stable. Quick connection skips this check on initial connection only, saving several seconds. The reasoning here is that any error in initial connection must be handled by the application. The test script sleeps for retry seconds before re-trying the connection.

5.2 lightsleep and disconnect

The library is not designed for use in cases where the system goes into lightsleep. Firstly uasyncio does not support lightsleep on all platforms - notably on STM where the ticks_ms clock (crucial to task scheduling) stops for the duration of lightsleep.

Secondly the library has no mechanism to ensure all tasks are shut down cleanly after issuing .disconnect. This calls into question any application that issues .disconnect and then attempts to reconnect. This issue does not arise with deepsleep because the host effectively powers down. When the sleep ends, uasyncio and necessary tasks start as in a power up event.

These problems have been resolved by users for specific applications with forks of the library. Given the limitations of uasyncio I do not plan to write a general solution.

6. References

mqtt introduction
mosquitto server
mosquitto client publish
mosquitto client subscribe
MQTT 3.1.1 spec
python client for PC's
Unofficial MQTT FAQ