A client to use the XML-SOAP-API of domain-bestellsystem.de
You can include this library in your project by adding it to your composer dependencies:
composer require webfoersterei/domain-bestellsystem-api-client
- PHP version >= 8.0
- PHP ext-soap (SOAP-Extension)
- composer - Dependency Manager for PHP (see https://getcomposer.org/)
Just use the factory to create your needed API-client and use it:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$domainClient = ClientFactory::createDomainClient(API_URL, API_USER, API_PASSWORD);
$domainClient->check('webfoersterei.de')->isAvailable(); # false
You can inject your Monolog logger into all clients by telling the factory about it before using the factory:
$myLogger = new \Monolog\Logger('testlogger');
$myLogger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('domain-bestellsystem_info.log', \Psr\Log\LogLevel::INFO)); # will log INFO-messages to a file
// ... create clients
There's a DebugClientFactory
that sets the SOAP trace-flag and provides a default logger to STDOUT.
You can use it alternatively to the ClientFactory
to see the low level request and response bodies:
$domainClient = DebugClientFactory::createDomainClient(API_URL, API_USER, API_PASSWORD);
$domainClient->check('webfoersterei.de')->isAvailable(); # will produce debug output on stdout
Feel free to contribute to this project by reporting bugs and issues or by creating pull requests: https://github.com/webfoersterei/domain-bestellsystem-api-client
Please notice that this is an open source project and you have to agree with the given LICENSE