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composer require "webgate/module-custom-menu":"*"

server installation

cd root project 
php bin/magento setup:upgrade #create table and update database
php bin/magento setup:di:compile #create dependence and generate code
php bin/magento setup:static-content -f en_US #or any local like en_GB for UK (generate static file like css and js )
php bin/magento c:f #clear cache

document (how to use)


click on the "add currnet link to meun" to add current link to menu


if you want to edit the menu click 'Ok' or not just cilck on the'Cancel' 


sort order : defines the postion of the menu's item 
url : defines url of the menu's item. you can use an extrnal url like
title : defines the title of the menu's item 
icon : icon that shown aside if the menu's item
target : defines how a link should opened

custom menu config


go to webgate > WebGate Custom menu > setting


Enable : if set No the menu has been gone
Have a separate menu for each admin? : if set yes eac admin user can have a diffrent menu 
Position 1 : postion of menu top or boottom 
Position 2 : postion of menu right or left 

WebGate Soft