Augmented functionality for cleaner and more powerful GetSimpleCMS components.
Better UI with sort & search, CodeMirror support, doubleclick code snippet copy, individual component save without page reload. Components Extended saves your components as <slug>.xml
files in data/components
with AJAX, one component at a time. It replaces the components tab with a custom tab, and will automatically import existing components from components.xml
on activation. Available in EN, FR, NL.
- Keeps track of the created date, modified date, and last editor.
- Edit & rename component slugs and titles (available as
in the component) independently. - Sort & search components
- CodeMirror support by default (unless
is explicitly set to TRUE). - Available in: English, German, French, Dutch
- Bonus: Doubleclick a code snippet for instant copy-to-clipboard.
Components Extended adds one PHP function for components, get_ext_component($slug, $params = array());
where $params
is an array of named keys. Eg if you had the following:
<?php get_ext_component($slug, array(
'greet' => 'Hello',
'name' => 'world'
In your extended component you could do:
<?php echo $params->greet . ' ' . $params->name . '!'; ?>
And it would output: Hello world!.
# Be sure to set the GSTIMEZONE
constant to your timezone if you wish to have meaningful timestamps for created & modified dates.
# to other plugin developers: the standard GS hooks component-save
and component-extras
also work with this plugin.
2019-04-08 - v0.9.3
- Removed spellcheck from component edits
- Fixed another permissions bug
- Fixed compatibility issues with GS 3.4
- Added loading plugin on clicking the main GS 3.4 navigation
- Removed outdated CSS vendor prefixes
- Updated some metadata (version, website)
2019-02-20 - v0.9.2
- minor ui fix
- fix title param
2019-01-29 - v0.9.1
- Fix permissions issue when saving components
- Add German language
2017-02-21 - v0.9
- Fix escape characters '\\\' from duplicating
- Minor NL translation fix
- Extended components are now mapped back to components.xml on plugin deactivation.
- When an extended component is now deleted, and a component with the same slug
exists in components.xml, this one will be deleted too.
2016-09-24 - v0.8
- Added 2 sort options (by modified & created date)
- Made .htaccess compatible with Apache 2.4 mod_authz_core
- CodeMirror is now enabled by default
- Fix AJAX issues
- Fix minor JS issues (dynamic update UI, notification error, console log).
- Fix NL translation
2016-06-18 - v0.7.1
- Bugfix
2016-06-18 - v0.7
- CSRF (cookie, header & nonce check) vulnerability patch
- Allow changing the directory where components are saved
- Make component title available in component as $params->title
- Bugfix slug<->title when creating new component, labels
- Added languages FR/NL
- CodeMirror support
2016-06-14 - v0.1
- Initial release