A Wrapper for the EVRYTHNG API that compiles with Dalvik to be used for your Android projects! This project is currently merely in a beta state! Don't expect extreme stability! ;-)
If you do not want to make changes to the library, simply use the latest build in the download section: https://github.com/domguinard/ThngDroid/downloads or build it from the sources (see below).
Add the library to your Android project (and make sure it is packaged by selecting it in "Order and Export") and use it from your activities/Android code.
To generate a jar file that can be used in Android do:
mvn assembly:single
You can see this project in action in the FreezeMe app: https://github.com/webofthings/FreezeMe
public class Main {
private static String EVRYTHNG_ROOT_URL_V3 = "URL";
private static String EVRYTHNG_ROOT_URL_V2 = "https://evrythng.net/";
private static String THNG_LI_URL = "URL";
private static String API_KEY = "API-KEY";
public static void main(String[] args) {
EvrythngV2Wrapper wrapper = new EvrythngV2Wrapper(EVRYTHNG_ROOT_URL_V2, API_KEY);
Thng thng = new Thng();
thng.setName("Test from Android!");
thng.setDescription("Hello Android World!");
Thng newThng = wrapper.post("thngs", thng, Thng.class);
Thng getThng = wrapper.get(String.format("thngs/%s", newThng.getId()), Thng.class);
System.out.println("Created thng: " + newThng.getCreatedAt());
System.out.println("Got thng: " + getThng.getCreatedAt());
// Get properties
Property<String> property = wrapper.get(String.format("thngs/%s/properties/%s", "4fdf251c0b1cdc017400009d", "ProductName"), Property.class);
// Get collection
ThngCollection collect = wrapper.get(String.format("collections/%s", "4fdf2efe0b1cdc01700001e7"), ThngCollection.class);
// Add thng to collection
ArrayList<String> thngs = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> collectUpdated = wrapper.post(String.format("collections/%s/thngs", "4fdf2efe0b1cdc01700001e7"), thngs, ArrayList.class);
// Update time
Property<String> updatedTime = new Property<String>("ExpiryDate", Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString());
Property<String> propertyUpdated = wrapper.put(String.format("thngs/%s/properties/%s", "4fdf251c0b1cdc017400009d", "ExpiryDate"), updatedTime, Property.class);