The logo comes in 2 variations:
- Circle for normal use
- Square for iOS/Android logo
- Folder
contains all the icon sizes needed for iOS development
Font-family is small letter w
from Vollkorn bold.
rgb(193, 26, 24)
Red (primary color) - background#e06149
rgb(224, 97, 73)
Light red - heading#228dB7
rgb(34, 141, 183)
Blue -sub-heading#f1e9b4
rgb(241, 233, 180)
rgb(248, 244, 218)
Light Yellow
- Font-family Roboto Slab for heading
- Font-family Open Sans for paragraphs
- We Build SG (preferred)
- Webuild SG
- we build sg
- webuild sg
- Make App Icon for iOS icon sizes
We Build SG branding is released under the MIT License.