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Version 0.6.0

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@wehs7661 wehs7661 released this 01 May 19:21
· 457 commits to master since this release

Several major changes have been made since the last release of version 0.5.0. Below we list all changes that would influence the way ensemble_md should be used, in the order of decreasing importance.

  • Deployed the package to PyPI:
  • We have completely removed the use of gmxapi from the implementation of EEXE. This includes the following (see the PR #9 ):
    • Using to replace gmxapi.commandline_operation and gmxapi.mdrun.
    • Removing all functions and variables using gmxapi and their unit tests.
    • Updating and the installation instruction in the documentation.
    • Updating docs/ and .circleci/config.yaml.
    • Updating the code for extending an EEXE simulation.
  • Modifications made to the weight-combining methods:
    • The methods mean and geo-mean have been disabled, which left only one method (g-diff)
    • The weight-combining method is now based on time-averaged weights, mainly enabled by get_averaged_weights.
    • The function combine_weights was modified so that simulation will end once the weights of all replicas get equilibrated.
  • The following bugs have been fixed:
    • The bug of using weights updated by get_swapping_pattern in update_MDP.
    • A minor bug in autocovert triggered by parsing an MDP file with the parameter pull-coord1-dim specified.
  • Modified so now the initial histogram counts for the next iteration can be specified.
  • Tweaked the available parameters in the input YAML file:
    • Added parameters grompp_args and gmx_executable.
    • Removed the parameter parallel.
    • Renamed the parameter w_scheme as w_combine.
  • Added the attribute n_empty_swappable to the class EnsembleEXE.
  • Developed get_time_metrics and analyze_EEXE_time
  • Eliminated the need to copy over gro and top files for the next iteration.
  • Developed unit tests for get_averaged_weights and removed unit tests for obsolete functions.
  • Updated the documentation.
    • Removed any description about gmxapi.
    • Added more description about the CLI run_EEXE