What's Changed
- update lgarange_triangle_mesh 中的一些符号 by @BellaLq in #1426
- 优化修改 by @JinghongZhang0707 in #1424
- 线弹性积分子中统一传入空间的接口 by @brighthe in #1425
- 线弹性积分子 by @tiantian0347 in #1427
- update moving mesh method by @Wangwenbinmath in #1428
- Fracturex更新 by @tiantian0347 in #1430
- 整理线弹性积分子中的组装方法 by @brighthe in #1433
- update moving lagrangletriangle mesh by @Wangwenbinmath in #1436
- update 隐式曲线区域的高阶三角形网格生成 by @BellaLq in #1437
- 更新热力耦合程序 by @Liujiawangmath in #1439
- gearx: 修复相关bug by @concha-k-chen in #1444
- 完善 SOPTX 程序 by @brighthe in #1445
- 外齿轮齿面内法向计算 by @concha-k-chen in #1449
- 更新 SOPTX by @brighthe in #1448
- halfedge by @gaotingyi in #1452
- 更新 SOPTX 程序 by @brighthe in #1453
- update svads3d and add the vem model by @cbtxs in #1457
- gearx:内齿圈环区域网格修正 by @concha-k-chen in #1454
- 完善 SOPTX by @brighthe in #1455
- Develop update mass_integrator isopara_assambly,para_lagrange_fe_space ctype='D' by @BellaLq in #1462
- update moving mesh method by @Wangwenbinmath in #1463
- 更新 SOPTX by @brighthe in #1464
- update Nedelec by @july-liuzhi in #1467
- 更新 SOPTX by @brighthe in #1472
- Gamg&网格限制、插值矩阵 by @Mihe0904 in #1475
- Develop soptx by @brighthe in #1476
- <mesh:P matrix;test:gamg> by @Mihe0904 in #1477
- 线弹性积分子、Dirichlet 边界条件 by @brighthe in #1480
- 攻坚战前的开发 by @brighthe in #1481
- gear: 齿轮均匀化与参数修正 by @concha-k-chen in #1482
- Develop:添加show_angle功能 by @wangdong19 in #1495
- 加入gmsh接口 by @Areal-z in #1496
- "Sparse Update" by @Awww-nanguasu in #1499
- "Update Sparse" by @Awww-nanguasu in #1505
- 光滑元 by @gaotingyi in #1506
- Add four methods:node2node,node2edge,node2cell,node2face by @Areal-z in #1507
- Bump nokogiri from 1.16.5 to 1.18.3 in /docs by @dependabot in #1515
- [Feat] lagrange_triangele_mesh、parametric_lagrange_fe_space、scalar_source_integrator 中 isopara_assembly 函数 by @BellaLq in #1523
- [Feat] Update SPH Algorithm support (backend, CFD module and node_mesh). by @pengmiaoying in #1528
- [Refactor] refactor path planning \ classify algorithms by @BenHBLiu in #1530
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.0.4...v3.1.0