Grumblr is a simple social web application powered by J2EE. User can register account and post blogs, other user can comment your blogs.
- MVC design pattern
- HTML/CSS/JavaScript/JAVA
- Apache Tomat v8.5
- Eclipse JEE
- JAVA 8
Clone the GitHub repository and then import Social-App-By-J2EE.war into your eclipse.
git clone
To import WAR file into Eclipse JEE, click on File -> Import. Select Web -> WAR File.
- WAR file: Provide the full pathname of the WAR file on your computer.
- Web project: This will pre-fill based on the WAR file name. You can change it, which is handy if you’re experimenting.
- Target runtime: You will need to select “Apache Tomcat 8.5”. The first time you import a WAR
file (or create new “Dynamic Web Project”) you will need to declare the new runtime environment. Do this by clicking on “New” and filling in the form as follows:
- Apache Tomat v8.5, then click “Next”
- Provide the Tomcat installation directory by giving the full pathname of the directory containing your unzipped version of Tomcat 8.5.
- Click “Finished”.
- Click "Finished".
Run the imported project by “right-clicking” on the new project and selecting “Run As -> Run on Server.
After Installing MySQL, create the anonymous account and the “test” database by using following code
mysql -u root –p
alter user user() identified by '';
create user ''@'localhost' identified by password '';
grant all privileges on *.* to ''@'localhost';
create database test;
login page
register page
home page
visitor page
Resister account, post blogs, comments other's blogs, enjoy!:+1:
If you find any bugs, feel free to contact
- Add Ajax call to update comments without reloading whole page
Deployment Environment: Amazon EC2
demo link
Notice: since I use a self-signed certificate, browser may show that this website is not secure, just ignore that and go on.
(Please contact me at if this instance is not running)
- user can register account using email
- user can post blogs
- user can comments other's blogs
- user can delete any comments comment by themselves
- user can see other's page
You need to have Eclipse JEE and MySQL installed in order to run this project on local machine or you can click deployed link above to run it remotely.