Star Wars is a React App that's consumes an external Star Wars' API.
First, download the zip or clone this repository into your personal computer.
Use the package manager [yarn or npm] to install the dependencies.
After that, you can launch the application using the following command:
yarn start
On each page you can see specific character, movie, vehicle, homeworlds or spaceship.
The app basically:
- "/": Home page (Movies);
- "/character": Character's Page;
- "/starships": Starships' page;
- "/planets": Homeworld's page;
The whole app was made with ReactJs. To style, it's uses styled-components.
Others importants libs was used also:
- Axios (to make requests to API);
- React Router DOM v6;
- React Icons;
- React Sticky-Box;
The entire app was made by me.
All Data Provided By SWAPI