Releases: wepay/waltz
Changes include:
- Fix preventing no longer used WaltzServerHandler from removing connection information of currently used WaltzServerHandler in a timing error
- Storage partition health refers to overall partition health instead of only failed partition recovery error
- Cluster state verification includes check of server partition's health
- Fix to prevent deadlock if number of replicas is 0
- Support of running Waltz locally in Docker on M1 chips
- Unregister server partition metrics only after successful completion of partition closure
- Waltz release to MavenCentral automation
Changes include:
• Fix to populate correct “high-water-mark” metric in WaltzServer when the node is started/restarted.
• Implementation of keep-alive messages between the NetworkClient and NetworkServer to keep the connection channel active.
• Few changes to StorageCli in order accept multiple partitions (as comma separated) instead of one partition.
• Extra logging to identify Mounting issues.
Changes includes:
- Fix to make StringBuilder usage in Cli's as non-static.
Changes include:
▪ Fix to “” docker script to pass the correct hostname.
▪ Adding getters to PartitionLocalLock class.
▪ Re-formatting the output of the few Cli’s.
▪ Custom metricGroup to isolate the metrics emitted via the rpcClient’s and the streamClient’s Partition object.
▪ A new metric I.e is-partition-active for WaltzClient’s Partition.
▪ WaltzClient metric typo fix.
Changes include:
- Allowing batch update to add/remove preferred partitions via ServerCli.
- Enabling logger output for CLIs: ClusterCli.verify, ServerCli.list, StorageCli.list, ZookeeperCli.list.
- Resolving Waltz Client from waiting forever on lock.wait() during mounting (which happens if the highWaterMark for a partition on Waltz Client is higher than that on the Waltz Server).
- Exposing the WaltzClient metrics via JmxReporter.
- Support for deploying multiple Waltz clusters locally in docker.