LaraPanel Framework is made by Laravel and LaraPanel package. We will be adding more functionality to this framework to improve development efficiency and make life easier.
You may just concentrate on creating your business logic after installing this framework rather than handling admin panel, user authorization roles, etc.
Follow the below steps to install it.
1. composer create-project weprodev/larapanel-framework
2. Config your .env file or just use sqlite locally
3. php artisan migrate
4. php artisan db:seed
5. php artisan serve
and then open the URL: LaraPanel Admin
WeProDev developed this project by love ❤️ and we've been working to make it better every day. However, to keep the project running smoothly and ensure its continued growth, we need your support!
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💭 Provide Feedback: Have ideas for how we can improve LaraPanel? We'd love to hear from you! Your feedback helps us prioritize our efforts and make LaraPanel even better.
We're incredibly grateful for your support and contributions ❤️. Together, we can make LaraPanel Framework even more amazing! Thank you for being a part of our community! 🙏 🙌
LaraPanel Framework reserves the right to change the license of future releases.
- Use in commercial projects.
- Use in personal/private projects.
- Modify and change the work.
LaraPanel Framework is an open source project that is licensed under the MIT license. This allows you to do pretty much anything you want as long as you include the copyright in “all copies or substantial portions of the Software.” Attribution is not required (though very much appreciated).