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My Dotfiles

#                            ___                         #
#                           /\_ \                        #
#  __  __  __     __    ____\//\ \      __   __  __      #
# /\ \/\ \/\ \  /'__`\ /',__\ \ \ \   /'__`\/\ \/\ \     #
# \ \ \_/ \_/ \/\  __//\__, `\ \_\ \_/\  __/\ \ \_\ \    #
#  \ \___x___/'\ \____\/\____/ /\____\ \____\\/`____ \   #
#   \/__//__/   \/____/\/___/  \/____/\/____/ `/___/> \  #
#   __          __       ___      ___            /\___/  #
#  /\ \        /\ \__  /'___\ __ /\_ \           \/__/   #
#  \_\ \    ___\ \ ,_\/\ \__//\_\\//\ \      __    ____  #
#  /'_` \  / __`\ \ \/\ \ ,__\/\ \ \ \ \   /'__`\ /',__\ #
# /\ \_\ \/\ \_\ \ \ \_\ \ \_/\ \ \ \_\ \_/\  __//\__, `\#
# \ \___,_\ \____/\ \__\\ \_\  \ \_\/\____\ \____\/\____/#
#  \/__,_ /\/___/  \/__/ \/_/   \/_/\/____/\/____/\/___/ #
#                                                        #

My scripts and dotfiles for Zsh, Tmux, NeoVim, Git.

My Setup

  • Bash: I'm using Kitty + Oh-My-Zsh + Tmux.
  • Fonts: Microsoft Cascadia Code with ligatures on Kitty, Neovim, VS Code, so on.
  • Windows manager: Aerospace.

Aliases & Key mappings:


First install Xcode: xcode-select --install

The folder macosx_setup contains the scripts to set the mac OS defaults and install the apps and tools.

sh ./macosx_setup/

Manual Installation

Git configuration

Copy the content of file .gitconfig to ~/.gitconfig.


Install Zsh: brew install zsh

Install Oh-My-Zsh following this steps: sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Then install the plugin manager: sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Copy the content of file .zshrc to ~/.zshrc.


Install Tmux following this steps: brew install tmux

Copy the content of file tmux/.tmux.conf to ~/.tmux.conf.


Install NeoVim following this steps: brew install neovim

Install Packer plugin manager:

git clone "$HOME"/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim

Copy the content of file init.lua to ~/.config/nvim/init.lua.

Then install the plugins by running: vim +PackerUpdate +qall.


  • FZF:
    • brew install fd fzf the_silver_searcher ripgrep
  • Floaterm:
    • lazygit
    • lazydocker
    • lazynpm
  • Python deps and Pylint:
    • pip install --user pynvim
    • pip3 install --user pynvim
    • pip3 install neovim-remote

Tools Configuration


I'm using Neovim 0.10+ configured with Lua. NeoVim plugins installed is listed here.

VS Code

I'm using VSCode with Vim extension which has my favorites Vim plugins (like vim-surround, vim-airline). Using it I can use all the Vim power for editing and navigation.

I've been exploring some configuration and key mappings to allow me to use the same key mappings that I'm using on NeoVim (like navigate between panes, motion, leader key and so on). Here are my configs:

  • VSCode settings: configuration to enable the same behavior (configs with prefix vim.).
  • VSCode key mappings: key mappings to navigate between panes, double j on insert mode, go to definition and implementation, so on.
