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Helm charts for wger deployment on Kubernetes.


If you know what you are doing, you can go ahead and run these commands to install wger. Otherwise, keep on reading!

helm repo add github-wger

helm upgrade \
  --install wger github-wger/wger \
  --version 0.1.5 \
  -n wger \

This will install the chart with the defaults, stated in values.yaml.


This chart bootstraps a wger deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager, alongside with a PostgreSQL for a database and Redis as a caching service.

For a more productive environment you have to enable nginx as a reverse proxy. This will enable gunicorn in the wger image and will require persistent storages for at least django's media and static files.


  • Kubernetes 1.15+
  • Helm 3.0+
  • PV infrastructure on the cluster if persistence is needed (recommended)
  • Ingress infrastructure for exposing the installation

Installing the chart

You can install the chart by adding our helm repository and then installing it normally via helm upgrade.

helm repo add github-wger

helm upgrade \
  --install wger github-wger/wger \
  --version 0.1.5 \
  -n wger \
  -f values.yaml

First you may want to make a copy of values.yaml and modify it for your needs.

Please see the parameters section.


The following table contains the configuration parameters of the chart with their default values. For additional configuration of the Groundhog2k's PostgreSQL and Redis charts, please check the additional information.


Name Description Type Default Value Image to use for the wger deployment String Image to use for the wger deployment String wger/server Takes the Chart.yaml appversion when empty. wger is developed as a rolling release String latest Pull policy to use for the image String Always Annotations to attach to each resource, apart from the ingress and the persistence objects Dictionary {} Number of webserver instances that should be running. Integer 1 Pod security context Object see values.yaml


Name Description Type Default Value Name of the secret String django
app.django.secret.key Key for the SECRET_KEY String randAlphaNum 50
app.django.cache.timeout Cache timeout in seconds String 1296000


Celery requires persistent volumes.

Name Description Type Default Value
celery.enabled Enable celery for sync Boolean True
celery.annotations Annotations Dictionary {}
celery.replicas Enable celery for sync Integer 1
celery.replicasWorker Enable celery for sync Integer 1
celery.securityContext Pod security context Object see values.yaml
celery.syncExercises sync exercises Boolean True
celery.syncImages sync exercise images Boolean True
celery.syncVideos sync exercise videos Boolean True
celery.ingredientsFrom source for ingredients, possible values WGER,OFF String WGER
celery.flower.enabled enable flower webinterface for celery Boolean False Name of the secret String flower
celery.flower.secret.password Password for the webinterface String randAlphaNum 50


Name Description Type Default Value Name of the secret String jwt
app.jwt.secret.key Key for the SIGNING_KEY String randAlphaNum 50
app.jwt.accessTokenLifetime Duration of the access token, in minutes String 10
app.jwt.refreshTokenLifetime Duration of the refresh token, in hours String 24


Name Description Type Default Value
app.axes.enabled Enable axes Bruteforce protection Boolean false
app.axes.lockoutParameters List (comma separated string) "ip_address"
app.axes.failureLimit Limit of failed auth String 10
app.axes.cooloffTime in Minutes String 30
app.axes.ipwareProxyCount Count of proxies String 0
app.axes.ipwareMetaPrecedenceOrder Proxy header magnitude List (comma separated string) "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR,REMOTE_ADDR"


Name Description Type Default Value
app.nginx.enabled Enable nginx as a proxy. This will enable persistent volumes, gunicorn and disable DJANGO_DEBUG Boolean false
app.nginx.image Image to use for the nginx proxy String nginx:stable
app.nginx.imagePullPolicy Pull policy to use for the image String IfNotPresent


Name Description Type Default Value
ingress.enabled Whether to enable ingress. If false, the options from below are ignored Boolean false
ingress.ingressClassName The ClassName that this ingress should use String ``
ingress.url The URL that this ingress should use String
ingress.tls Whether to enable TLS. If using cert-manager, the correct annotations have to be set Boolean true
ingress.annotations Annotations to attach to the ingress Dictionary {}


Name Description Type Default Value
service.type Sets the http service type, valid values are NodePort, ClusterIP or LoadBalancer. String ClusterIP
service.port Port for the service Integer 8000
service.annotations Annotations to attach to the service Dictionary {}


Name Description Type Default Value
app.persistence.enabled Whether to enable persistent storage. If false, the options from below are ignored Boolean false Name of the pvc for the media data when existingClaim is enabled String null
app.persistence.existingClaim.static Name of the pvc for the static data when existingClaim is enabled String null
app.persistence.existingClaim.enabled Whether to use a existing persistent storage claim. If false, the options from below are ignored Boolean false
app.persistence.storageClass StorageClass for the PVCs String ""
app.persistence.accessModes Access modes for the PVCs Array ["ReadWriteMany"]
app.persistence.size PVC size String 8Gi
app.persistence.annotations Annotations to attach to the persistence objects (PVC and PV) Dictionary {}
app.persistence.enabled Whether to enable persistent storage. If false, the options from below are ignored Boolean false

Application Resources

Name Description Type Default Value
app.resources.requests.memory Amount of memory that the app requests for running. Keep this value low to allow the pod to get admitted on a node. String 128Mi
app.resources.requests.cpu Amount of CPU that the app requests for running. Keep this value low to allow the pod to get admitted on a node. String 100m
app.resources.limits.memory Maximum amount of memory that the app is allowed to use. String 512Mi
app.resources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU that the app is allowed to use. String 500m

Environment Variables

Name Description Type Default Value
app.environment Array of objects, representing additional environment variables to set for the deployment. Array see _helpers.yaml and values.yaml

There are more possible ENV variables, than the ones used in the deployment. Please check prod.env.

PostgreSQL and Redis settings

The following settings are declared in the groundhog2k Helm charts.


wger-app requires for the django database migrations the superuser privileges, so we grant the SUPERUSER with a postgres.extraScripts.

Name Description Type Default Value
postgres.enabled Enable the PostgreSQL chart Boolean True
postgres.settings.superuser Superuser name String postgres
postgres.settings.superuserPassword Password of superuser String postgres Database name to use for wger String wger
postgres.userDatabase.user Username to use for wger String wger
postgres.userDatabase.password Password for wger user String wger
postgres.extraScripts A configmap used to grant privileges String wger-pg-init
postgres.service.port PostreSQL service port Integer 5432 PVC name when existing storage volume should be used String Nil Size for new PVC, when no existing PVC is used Integer 8Gi Storage class name when no existing storage used, takes the cluster default when Nil String Nil


Name Description Type Default Value
redis.enabled Enable the redis chart Boolean true
redis.auth.enabled Whether to enable redis login. Boolean false
redis.auth.password Password for redis login. Not required if redis.auth.enabled is false String randAlphaNum 25
redis.service.serverPort Redis server service port Integer 6379 PVC name when existing storage volume should be used String Nil Size for new PVC, when no existing PVC is used String Nil Storage class name when no existing storage used, takes the cluster default when Nil String Nil


Celery is used to sync exercises or ingredients. The user for the flower webinterface is wger.



export POD=$(kubectl get pods -n wger -l "" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl -n wger exec -ti $POD -- bash

celery -A wger events

celery events is a simple curses monitor displaying task and worker history.

Flower Webinterface

If you have enabled flower you can, for example use port forwarding to connect to the web interface.

export POD=$(kubectl get pods -n wger -l "" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl -n wger port-forward ${POD} 8080:5555

Open the browser to http://localhost:8080

Get the password for the flower webinterface:

kubectl -n wger get secret flower -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d


Bruteforce protection. Depending on your setup, you may need to configure axes to your proxy setup otherwise it will block by default the IP which can be your reverse proxy.

python3 axes_reset
python3 axes_reset_ip [IP]
python3 axes_reset_username [USERNAME]

To temporary disable privacy mode to see the blocked ip in the log you can login to the container and add the following setting:



wger is developped in a rolling release manner, so the docker image of the release is :latest, the hightest version tag :X.x-dev is the same as the :latest image. Older version tags are not changed or "bugfixed".

This means we cannot upgrade with changing the image tag.

As a consequence the default values.yaml has set imagePullPolicy to Always, this means if the kubelet has a container image with that exact digest cached locally, the kubelet uses its cached image; otherwise, the kubelet pulls the image with the resolved digest, and uses that image to launch the container.

To upgrade you can restart the deployment (k8s v1.15):

kubectl -n wger rollout restart deploy wger-app wger-celery wger-celery-worker

For PostgreSQL and Redis upgrades, please check the Groundhog2k documentation, linked at the end.

Postgres Upgrade Notes

It is sadly not possible to automatically upgrade between postgres versions, you need to perform the upgrade manually. Since the amount of data the app generates is small a simple dump and restore is the simplest way to do this.

If you pulled new changes from this repo and got the error message "The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version 12, which is not compatible with this version 15." this is for you.

See also docker-library/postgres#37

The following requires a persistent storage for the postgresql database.

Before doing the upgrade, go inside the container and dump the database:

export POD=$(kubectl get pods -n wger -l "" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl -n wger exec -ti $POD -c postgres -- bash

pg_dumpall --clean --username wger -f /var/lib/postgresql/data/dump.sql

If you however missed that, you need to know which postgres version you where running before, stop the current postgres and wger app.

# stop the current wger deployment
kubectl -n wger scale --replicas=0 deploy wger-app
# stop the postgres sts
kubectl -n wger scale --replicas=0 sts wger-postgres

Create a job dumping the database job-dump.yaml, fill in the postgres version you where running:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: dbdump
      - name: dbdump
        image: postgres:14
              command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "until `pg_dumpall --clean --username wger -f /var/lib/postgresql/data/dump.sql && runuser -u postgres -- pg_ctl stop`; do sleep 2; done"]
        - mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql/data
          name: wger-db
          - name: PGDATA
            value: "/var/lib/postgresql/data/pg"
            value: trust
        - name: wger-db
            claimName: wger-db
      restartPolicy: Never
  backoffLimit: 4
kubectl -n wger apply -f job-dump.yaml

Now move away the current db in your storage, so that the new postges image will create a new one -> this needs to be done accessing your storage from outside the cluster or add it to the command in the job-dump.yaml:

# move the old database -> can be removed after the upgrade was successful
mv /var/lib/postgresql/data/pg /var/lib/postgresql/data/pg-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)

Upgrade wger chart, but disable the wger django app, so that the database will not be created, for this you can temporary set the app replicas to 0 in your values.yaml:

    replicas: 0
helm upgrade \
  --install wger github-wger/wger \
  --version 0.1.5 \
  -n wger \
  -f values.yaml

Now you should have running the new postgres version. Go inside the new container and import the database dump with:

cat /var/lib/postgresql/data/dump.sql | psql --username wger --dbname wger

Also reset the database password to the one you used, the default is wger:

psql --username wger --dbname wger -c "ALTER USER wger WITH PASSWORD 'wger'"

Start the wger app, don't forget to set back the replicas in your values.yaml as well:

kubectl -n wger scale --replicas=1 deploy wger-app


To uninstall remove the helm release we called wger during installation:

helm -n wger delete wger


Please check the contributing guidelines of the wger project.


  • if you have a problem, create an issue in the issue tracker
  • if you have a cool idea, create a fork and send pull requests
  • assure that your code is well-formed (hint: helm lint is a useful command). This is enforced using continuous integration.

Running a highly available setup

The deployment can be scaled using to allow for more web server replicas. Persistence should be enabled as well to ensure that the different webservers have access to the same static and media shares.

Generally persistent volumes needs to be configured depending on your setup.

Developing locally

Please have a look at


Feel free to contact us if you found this useful or if there was something that didn't behave as you expected. We can't fix what we don't know about, so please report liberally. If you're not sure if something is a bug or not, feel free to file a bug anyway.

Additional information