- A modern, lightweight & responsive styleguide based on Flexbox, designed for Wharton CAOS apps, and created for Django projects.
- Created to be a starting point or guide, not a complete UI framework.
- Easily customizable.
This is just an example, not necessarily the official template of the theme.
- This styleguide supports all browsers colored green here (on the canIuse site). For Example: this theme should not be used with IE 11 (and below) or Safari 8 (and below). If you need something with more backwards compatibility, checkout Django Base Theme.
- Solved by Flexbox by Philip Walton
- A combo of SASS Boilerplate by Hugo Giraudel and SMACSS architecture by Jonathan Snook (the former is similar to the latter in many ways already)
- BEM (naming convention only)
- Harry Roberts' CSS Guidelines (here & there)
- Typography
- Buttons
- Forms
- Lists
- Tables
- Off-canvas nav
- Grid
- Sticky Footer
- Vertically Aligned Items
- Input Addons
- Template Blocks
- PIP Installable
pip install git+https://github.com/wharton/Django-Flexbox-Theme --upgrade
The gulpfile includes tasks for SASS, PostCSS or both.
Grade "A" score using the YSlow Web Page Analyzer.
- Wharton Logo (SVG Format)
- Wharton Colors
- Helvetica Neue and Palatino Linotype served via Fonts.com