In progress... Come back to see it done.
To do:
- connect contact us form to backend and maybe send contact form to admin email(?)
- clean up code (ongoing)
- add tests for the frontend, then maybe for the backend too
- create search news functionality
- turn frontend to typescript
- add skeleton loading, to the cards
- made footer (not sure if I will use it or where yet)
- clean up router to accomodate new routes without error.
- create news category page listing a grid of paginated news articles based on said category, each categories are in the navbar as buttons
- after first render I need to memorize the api response so I don't refetch it for any line of code I add.
- create individual news article page
- created Node backend and hid api keys,
- created basic api routes in node to fetch my data from the public api
- in the frontend using redux-toolkit to create an api slice and fetch data from my backend and manage global state should this app grow