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JSON library for Swift that extensively uses type inference and no extra syntax.

Hello World

struct Bunny {
    let name: String?
    let age: Int

extension Bunny: JSONDecodable, JSONEncodable {
    init?(JSONValue: JSON) {
        if let age: Int = JSONValue["age"]?.decode() {
            self.init(name: JSONValue["name"]?.decode(), age: age)
        } else {
            return nil
    var JSONValue: JSON {
        return ["name": name, "age": age]

// Encoding
let spikeJSON: JSON = ["name": "Spike", "age": 1]
let spike: Bunny? = spikeJSON.decode() // {name "Spike", age 1}

// Decoding
spikeJSON == JSON(spike!) // true