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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 14, 2018. It is now read-only.


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This project has been discontinued.

We have discontinued active development and support on this project and would encourage you to seek alternative ways to implement a queue in a Symfony project. You might want to take a look at the leezy/pheanstalk-bundle

NB This bundle should be considered at "early-release" stage. Much of the code has been used in production environments, but the bundle in its current form has not been subject to such rigorous real-world usage.


Install via composer

// composer.json

"repositories": [
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": ""

"require": {
    "whiteoctober/queue-bundle": "version-here"

Add to AppKernel

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // Your other bundles here
        new WhiteOctober\QueueBundle\WhiteOctoberQueueBundle(),

    return $bundles;

Database migration

If you're using Doctrine Migrations Bundle, you can tell Doctrine to generate migrations for the QueueEntry entity in the usual way: app/console doctrine:migrations:diff.

(Optional) Add parameters for error emails:

If you want to be emailed when queue entries fail, add the following to your parameters.yml:



Creating a QueueEntry

For creating a QueueEntry, use the QueueService. For example:

/** @var $queueService WhiteOctober\QueueBundle\Service\QueueService  */
$queueService = $this->get('whiteoctober_queue');

$queueService->create('entry type', 'entry data');

Adding a QueueProcessor

Add something like this to your services.yml:

    class:     MyProject\SomeBundle\QueueProcessor\AnExcitingProcessor
        - []
        - { name: whiteoctober.queue.processor}

The important bit here is the tags section. Note also that your processor class (AnExcitingProcessor in the example above) should implement QueueProcessorInterface.

Initiating Queue processing

Run the process queue command:

app/console whiteoctober:queue:process

Note that, by default, an invocation of the command is limited to processing one item from the queue. You'll probably want to run the command regularly from a cron job.

whiteoctober:queue:process has two options which can be passed in (both optional):

app/console whiteoctober:queue:process --limit=5 --entry-type=thistype

Checking for long-running jobs

To check for long-running queue jobs, use the command whiteoctober:queue:check-for-long-running. For example:

app/console whiteoctober:queue:check-for-long-running 'my proj'

This will send an e-mail to from about any queue entries which have been in progress for more than 2 hours. In the e-mail, the queue will be identified as being used by the application my proj.