Releases: whneo97/duke
Previous issues with font compatibility across platforms have now been resolved in the latest release of Duke (V2.5). Credits to Ong Bing Jue ( for helping to spot and resolve the bug that caused font compatibility issues across platforms. This release can now work uniformly in all of Mac, Windows and Linux platforms.
Update logo to look standardised on all platforms, without being affected by local interpretation of font families. Fix typographical errors of user guide ( provided in user guide link of messages returned by help command.
Minor updates to help command to reflect minor changes and include link to user guide.
Release with added about and clearcache command that allows user to clear the timeline that is used for undo/ redo. Also includes feature that allows user to generate a random list of tasks for testing and demonstration purposes.
Current commands known to the program include:
- about: Shows information about the developer and this Duke program.
- bye: Instructs the program to exit.
- clearcache: Removes all versions of task lists in the timeline used for undo and redo operations, except for the current version.
- deadline: Adds a deadline into the tasklist.
- delete: Deletes a task or multiple tasks from the tasklist.
- done: Marks a task or multiple tasks in the tasklist as done.
- event: Adds an event into the tasklist.
- find: Finds tasks in the tasklist given keywords.
- help: Shows a list of specified commands or all known commands so far, sorted by alphabetical order.
- list: Lists all tasks in the tasklist stored.
- random: Generates a random list of tasks.
- redo: Reverts, if possible, the tasklist to the version before the most recent undo command was executed, or executes redo the number of times specified by the user.
- sort: Sorts the list (and saves it) based on the criteria requested for by the user.
- todo: Adds a todo into the tasklist.
- undo: Reverts, if possible, the tasklist to the version before the most recent command was executed, or executes undo the number of times specified by the user.
- undone: Marks a task or multiple tasks in the tasklist as undone.
Duke V2.1
Updated Duke program with main functionalities that are cross-compatible with both Mac and Windows.
New features including mass deletion and marking of tasks as done / undone, undo / redo capabilities and sorting of the task list by various criteria desired by the user.
Duke V2.0
Duke v0.1
Tasklist containing basic features. Tasks can be added to a list, deleted, marked as done and saved to a data file such that tasks may be loaded again from the data file, even after the program has been closed and reopened. Three types of tasks are available: Todo, Event and Deadline. Events and Deadlines allow to store relevant dates and times.