Clone it, add it to your library in Beaker, and start adding your very own books via the Enoki Panel. Wow! Includes Choo 🚂 as a front-end framework, and Sheetify for css-in-js.
- Look at all of your books in a big nice grid!
- At least 90% less visual elements on the page than on almost any Goodreads page
- See your books on a yearly timeline, which is sort of fun! What were you reading while the world was in various states of disarray? What did you read super fast, like it was a book snack? What did you slog through f o r e v e r?
- Jeff Bezos doesn't know what you're reading 💯
- save books that you'd like to read but haven't yet
- display books by year
- sort books by title, author, or date read
- display notes/reviews
- a more interactive timeline (show books on hover! sort! color code it! embed it elsewhere?)
- smarter tags
From the project root, run yarn install
. Once the dependencies are installed, run yarn run dev
for development and yarn run build
to bundle. Add it to your library in Beaker and then add books via the Enoki Panel, or manually in /content/books