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Zetech University Web Club.

👋 Welcome to WicodeZU

WicodeZU Logo

A blue stick figure that has posed like a ninja with a less than sign before and greater than sign after the figure.
Its is used as the official WicodeZU club logo

📝 Who are we?

We are a team of developers that are or were students of Zetech University!

🤖 Our Moderators

💻 I want to contribute

Q: I saw a project that would like to contribute to, what should I do?

A: Follow the contribution procedure and contribute.

Q: I want to add a project so I can work with the community

A: Ask the moderators for help in that.

🔭 I want to be a member what should I do

Talk to our moderators for your request. One of them will get to you as soon as they see your request. Beware that Github doesn't have a direct messaging feature, so you would have to look at ways to contact the moderators. You can navigate to their profile and see if they have a social media account or an email. If they don't then you may have to use other ways of communication.
Just be respectful in whatever you do. They have their own personal life to attend to.

🔇 Nobody responded to my requests

As said earlier the moderators have a personal life. Be patient and they'll get back to you. If nobody gets back to you within a reasonably amount of time then you can try opening an issue and tagging them. Learn to use the art of patience while waiting, sometimes its good to do nothing!

💵 I want to support you financially

You can use Github sponsors to sponsor your favourite developer. If you can't use github sponsor for some reasons, please contact the developer you want to support directly so that they can tell you another way if available.

I'm new to tech

Congratulations on your journey. If you need any assistance you can contact the moderators who can point you in the right direction. Don't forget to follow them on @twitter to see their tweets and engage with them more often.

📖 Code of conduct

The WicodeZu community is made of people with diverse set of skills, areas of expertise, experience and backgrounds. We encourage you to be treat the other members with utmost respect. Any form of discrimination will not be tolerated. Please refer to the human rights if you don't know what we mean or refer to the kenyan constitution if you are still not sure what is acceptable of you (the kenyan constitution is used since it is where the community originates from. Please refer to your countries constitution for any legal way of interaction).

Report any case of misconduct to the moderators. Appropriate action will be taken once the claim is proven to be true

Pinned Loading

  1. wicode wicode Public

    This is the zetech web club community website

    SCSS 3 6

  2. wicodereact wicodereact Public

    Wicode club website written in react

    JavaScript 2 6

  3. go-playground go-playground Public

    Forked from sankaire/go-playground

    Golang Basics



Showing 10 of 24 repositories
  • Setting-Django_Environment Public

    A procedure to show you how to set your first django project

    wicodeZU/Setting-Django_Environment’s past year of commit activity
    Shell 1 0 0 0 Updated Jun 13, 2024
  • .github Public
    wicodeZU/.github’s past year of commit activity
    0 0 0 0 Updated Dec 14, 2023
  • wicodeZU/project-config’s past year of commit activity
    0 3 0 0 Updated Jun 8, 2023
  • weather-App Public

    weather app

    wicodeZU/weather-App’s past year of commit activity
    JavaScript 0 0 1 2 Updated Feb 24, 2023
  • wicode-cms Public

    manage your blogs easily ⚡

    wicodeZU/wicode-cms’s past year of commit activity
    TypeScript 0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Oct 5, 2022
  • fluffy-disco Public

    gifs, articles blog

    wicodeZU/fluffy-disco’s past year of commit activity
    JavaScript 0 MIT 1 0 0 Updated Sep 21, 2022
  • upgraded-funicular Public

    intro to git

    wicodeZU/upgraded-funicular’s past year of commit activity
    HTML 0 MIT 2 0 0 Updated Sep 13, 2022
  • friendly-barnacle Public

    A tour to web 2.0

    wicodeZU/friendly-barnacle’s past year of commit activity
    HTML 0 MIT 1 0 0 Updated Jun 22, 2022
  • autocomplete Public Forked from withfig/autocomplete

    Fig adds autocomplete to your terminal.

    wicodeZU/autocomplete’s past year of commit activity
    TypeScript 0 MIT 5,593 0 0 Updated May 26, 2022
  • fuzzy-engine Public

    node react structure demo

    wicodeZU/fuzzy-engine’s past year of commit activity
    JavaScript 1 0 0 0 Updated May 18, 2022

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