- Create a new IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template project.
- Verify the pluginGroup, plugin ID and sources package.
- Review the Legal Agreements.
- Publish a plugin manually for the first time.
- Set the Plugin ID in the above README badges.
- Set the Deployment Token.
- Click the Watch button on the top of the IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template to be notified about releases containing new features and fixes.
Typescript Component Folding:
This plugin groups files which have same name and different extensions.
File name groupings: component|service|pipe|guard|directive|actions|effects|reducer|selectors|state|resolver|datasource|model
Extensions folded: css|sass|scss|stylus|styl|less|html|haml|pug|ts|js|json|spec\.ts|.*\.ts
For instance, app.component.ts, app.component.css, app.component.html, app.component.*.ts will be grouped a virtual folder named app.component.
Forked from Original idea plugin: https://github.com/rath/angular-folding by Jang-Ho Hwang
Using IDE built-in plugin system:
Preferences > Plugins > Marketplace > Search for "typescript-folding" > Install Plugin
Download the latest release and install it manually using Preferences > Plugins > ⚙️ > Install plugin from disk...
Plugin based on the IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template.