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Deploying markets

1. Get controller info for borrower

import { getController, MarketController, MarketParameters } from "@wildcatfi/wildcat-sdk";

const controller: MarketController = await getController(signer, borrower);

2. Get parameter constraints for new markets

controller.constraints: MarketParameterConstraints contains the min/max values of

  • annualInterestBips
  • delinquencyFeeBips
  • withdrawalBatchDuration
  • reserveRatioBips
  • delinquencyGracePeriod

If provided values are out of this range, market deployment will revert.

3. Deploying a mock token for new market

import { deployToken } from "@wildcatfi/wildcat-sdk";

await deployToken(signer, "name", "symbol");

4. Deploying new market

const marketParameters: MarketParameters = {...}

// 1. Ensure borrower is registered on the arch-controller.
// For the testnet deployment, anyone can register a borrower
if (!controller.isRegisteredBorrower) {
  await controller.registerBorrower()
// 2. Ensure the `asset, namePrefix, symbolPrefix` are unique.
if (controller.getExistingMarketForParameters(marketParameters)) {
  throw Error()
// 3. Deploy market
const market: Market = await controller.deployMarket(marketParameters);


Get market instances

1. Get all Market instances on Wildcat

import { getAllMarkets } from "@wildcatfi/wildcat-sdk";

const markets = getAllMarkets(provider);

2. Get all Market instances for borrower

const controller: MarketController = await getController(signer, borrower);
// has an array of all Market instances for the controller


Get MarketAccount

1. Get MarketAccount for every market

import { getAllMarketAccountsForLender } from "@wildcatfi/wildcat-sdk";
const accounts = await getAllMarketAccountsForLender(signer, lenderAddress);


1. Get underlying assets from mock token

if (market.underlyingToken.isMock) {
  await market.underlyingToken.faucet();


Whenever anything in ./gql or ./contracts is changed, run yarn codegen to regenerate the graphql and typechain types.

The graphql scripts take a while to run, so the graphql script saves a file in .gql-cache with the checksums of the previous input/output files from gql codegen, so the script can skip graphql codegen if there's no reason to. Typechain only takes about a second so we don't do the same for it.

This runs:

  • yarn codegen:gql - Generates TS types for all the graphql queries, then runs a script to simplify the type literals (gql-type-cleanup.js)
  • yarn codegen:typechain - Generates types for the contracts with typechain, then runs a script (add-typechain-exports.js) to add exports for all the structs in the contracts to the src/typechain index file


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