This is the repository for the MG-RAST metagenome analysis system. Take a look at MG-RAST.
Don't try this at home.
MG-RAST is made available under a BSD type LICENSE, see the LICENSE file for details.
server at, we are not resourced to help with local installations. So as much as we'd like to we can't help with local installations of this software.
MG-RAST is a pipeline, an archive, a complex web interface and several other tools. The entire systems was designed for a Linux/Unix system. We run it on a dedicated small cluster for the server infrastructure and heavily utilize CLOUD computing resources.
- PostGres
- Perl
- R
- Apache
For the bioinformatics software and databases used in MG-RAST please see the tools and data entry in our blog
type make
export TAG=`date +"%Y%m%d.%H%M"`
docker build --force-rm --no-cache --rm -t mgrast/v3-web:${TAG}
skycore push mgrast/v3-web:${TAG}
export TAG=`date +"%Y%m%d.%H%M"`
docker build --force-rm --no-cache --rm -t mgrast/api:${TAG}
skycore push mgrast/api:${TAG}