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Startup Guide

Will Whang edited this page Jul 10, 2018 · 5 revisions

This startup guide will guide you through how to use util_pkt_logger from Semtech
I'll assume you know how to boot & connect to your Raspberry Pi.
The following guide is base on 2017-11-29-raspbian-stretch-lite

After connected to RPI, first update the software by:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Then setup interface by:
sudo raspi-config
Then enable uart(no console output) and spi device.
You can follow this animation.

then insatll git by:
sudo apt-get install git

After installing git, clone lora_gateway that I slightly modified repo by:
git clone

Then compile the project by:
cd ./lora_gateway/

The setup is complete here, the steps below is how to start the gateway, which needs to go through every time powering up the gateway.

Start gateway by:
./ start
this will reset the gateway.

then go to util_pkt_logger folder.
cd ./util_pkt_logger/

And modify global_conf.json to fit your needs, note that you have to check which type(public or private) LoRa you're using, and modify the "lorawan_public": line to corresponding type. If you're using radiohead + Arduino like me, then change it to false.Also note that only Radio_A can transmit and don't modify "clksrc": 1 line.

After modify the frequency and public or private type, activate util_pkt_logger like this:
It should look like this.

And here you are!

To Setup The Things Network Gateway, please continue to Setup TTN Gateway

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