Street Fighter 6 tracking.
Concept of Sessions which contain all the matches played during that tracking session.
Output for OBS Browser Source, with ability to make custom themes in CSS.
Authentication is now persisted across app starts.
Tracking errors now render an error notification, others render an error page.
The config for the GUI is now stored in a json file instead of localStorage.
Sessions, matches and CFN names are now stored in an SQL database instead of a big json file.
Match Log renamed to Sessions , and lists sessions instead of all matches.
GUI State is controlled via a state machine.
LP and MR Gains are now counted by character (SF6)
In cases of app crashing on start, a Windows XP error message is displayed.
Exporting match log to Excel sheet.
No longer output tracking state to a results.json file.
Ability to track battle lounge and casual matches (SFV) .
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