Releases: williamyang98/DAB-Radio
Releases · williamyang98/DAB-Radio
Initial release
Prefix for each set of binaries refers to SIMD instructions available in your CPU.
SSE2 = Slowest but fully compatible with all CPUs.
AVX = Intel Sandy Bridge+ or AMD Jaguar+.
AVX2 = Fastest. Intel Haswell+ or AMD Excavator+.
Recorded data for offline processing
Raw IQ data
Name | baseband_[channel]_[id].raw |
Format | 8bit IQ |
Source | ./rtl_sdr -c [channel] -o ./baseband_[channel]_[id].raw |
Refer to src/examples/
for application usage
./basic_radio_app -i ./baseband_[channel]_[id].raw
Hard decision bits
Name | hardbits_[channel]_[id].bin |
Format | DAB Mode I binary data after OFDM demodulation - 1 file = N frames - 1 frame = (76-1) OFDM data symbols - 1 OFDM symbol = 1536 QPSK carriers - 1 QPSK carrier = 2 bits - 1 frame = 230400 bits |
Sources | - ./rtl_sdr -c [channel] | ./basic_radio_app --configuration ofdm --ofdm-enable-output --ofdm-output-hard-bytes --ofdm-output ./hardbits_[channel]_[id].bin |
NOTE: These are the hard decision bytes output from OFDM demodulation of raw IQ data. It contains the same amount of information as raw IQ bytes but more compactly. The convolutional error correction is degraded due to conversion from soft decision to hard decision bits
Refer to src/examples/
for application usage
./basic_radio_app --configuration dab -i ./hardbits_[channel]_[id].bin --radio-input-hard-bytes