Project Website: (This is the deployed version of the product)
Team Website :
The deliverable files are in the respective deliverable folders numbered. The snapshots of the burndown chart and task board are in the Burndown and Task Board folder.
The testing documentations are under sd-site/docs/tests/
for backend and sd-site/docs/tests/
for frontend. Link to files here.
The project website is best run on certain browers due to SSL security issues.
Windows: Chrome, Firefox
Mac: Firefox, Chrome (will need to type thisisunsafe
to pass the security)
contains the Angular pageserver (frontend) and server
contains the Django server for endpoints and database connection to MongoDB (backend).
Docker is installed and running.
cd client-server && npm install && ng serve
You will only have to do npm install
if it is your first time running it or new packages were added.
cd server && docker build -f Dockerfile-dev -t server . && docker run -p 8000:8000 server
contains the Docusaurus for documentation of backend and frontend components and logistics.
yarn is installed.
cd sd-site && yarn install && yarn start
You will only have to do yarn install
if it is your first time running it.
Accounts must exist with the Free Tier privileges on:
- Amazon Web Services(AWS)
- Mongodb atlas
- Dockerhub
- Docker latest stable version, nodejs v 12.6.2, angular CLI v 9.1.9, and python v 3.8.3 installed and working on your development machine
- an SSH client
access the LAUNCH INSTANCE WIZARD from: or by going to the aws ec2 instance dashboard and selecting Launch Instance
Select Ubuntu 18.0.4 LTS as your operating system of choice, leave the default settings MAKE SURE TO KEEP THE API KEY GENERATED FOR THE INSTANCE AS YOU WILL NEED IT FOR SSH ACCESS
return to the instance dashboard and move to the security groups heading for the instance which was just created proceed to inbound rules -> edit inbound rules, allow the following inbound traffic: HTTP from all sources HTTPS from all sources NFS from the default security group if SSH is not already present allow it from all sources
Setup mongodb database in the cloud with
Then setup database engine in django with your database credentials in server/SDServer/
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'djongo',
'NAME': '<dbname>',
'HOST': <mongodb connection string>,
'USER': '<dbuser>',
'PASSWORD': '<password for dbuser>'
This is done so that the instance's IP stays the same across restarts Note that this will cost $0.01/hr for every hour that the elastic IP is not assigned to a running instance - from the ec2 dashboard click elastic ip - click allocate elastic ip, finish the process - go to your ec2 instance, select it - go to actions -> networking -> associate an elastic IP, associate the allocated ip with your instance - whenever you kill your instance, (not stop, restart, etc.) make sure to deallocate the ip to avoid charges
- using PUTTY
- download puttygen, convert the keyname.pem to keyname.ppk for putty's use
- launch putty, enter the IP address of the instance into the host field
- navigate to connections/ssh/auth in the Category window
- click browse, find your keyname.ppk file
- open the connection
- using command line ssh client, you can use the given keyname.pem file. type the following:
ssh -i /path/my-key-pair.pem my-instance-user-name@my-instance-public-dns-name
- ssh into the instance
- checkout the repository
- take the init script and move it to the ~ directory
- run the init script
go into the ec2 dashboard and restart the ec2 instance to allow the docker daemon to start
if any errors occur with docker: here are steps for troubleshooting:,Docker%20to%20start%20on%20boot.
firstly create a repository on your dockerhub account, login on your development machine login to docker to allow you access to your repositories
docker login
pull the git repo
run these commands from the server folder
docker build -f Dockerfile -t dockerhubusername/dockerhubrepositoryname:latest-server
docker push dockerhubusername/dockerhubrepositoryname:latest-server
run these commands from the client-server folder
docker build -f Dockerfile-prod -t dockerhubusername/dockerhubrepositoryname:latest-client
docker push dockerhubusername/dockerhubrepositoryname:latest-client
SSH back into the aws instance, run the following commands
docker pull dockerhubusername/dockerhubrepositoryname:latest-client
docker pull dockerhubusername/dockerhubrepositoryname:latest-server
docker network create scdine
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --name django --network scdine dockerhubusername/dockerhubrepositoryname:latest-server
docker run -d -p 443:443 -p 80:80 --name client --network scdine dockerhubusername/dockerhubrepositoryname:latest-client