Implemented in the Introduction to React Track of's JetBrain Academy.
Project goal is to implement a Minesweeper app using React and TypeScript with Vite bundling and Vitest. The game is a single-player puzzle game in which the player has to clear a minefield without detonating any mines.
- Node 22
- pnpm 9
- React 18
- TypeScript 5.4
- Vite 5.2
- Vitest 1.6
Sources for all project tasks (5 stages) with tests and configurations.
Project was completed on 24.05.24
19.04.24 Project started, setup of build, test and github workflow. Stage 1 completed. Show an animated loading screen while the game is being initialized, using a google font.
20.05.24 Stage 2 completed. Implement the game board with React components.
21.05.24 Stage 3 completed. Implement the cell click events and the rendering of revealed and flagged cells.
24.05.24 Stage 4 completed. Implement the full game logic using useEffect for Timer and useState for FieldModel and other properties.
24.05.24 Final Stage 5 completed. Implement reset functionality and better game state handling.