A mobile-first website for an agency / startup built with Meteor.
Latest version is live, check it out here.
- Landing
- Portfolio
- Case study
- Blog
- Admin
- About
- Menu
- Values
- Content Management System
- Newsletter subscription
- Random quote on page load
- Article excerpts
- Author
- Twitter streaming
- Instagram Feed
- Next-page module
- Next-post module
- Views
LandingAbout- Blog
- Case study
- Portfolio
- Menu
- Modules
Newsletter subscriptionRandom quote on page loadInsert/Edit PostNext post module
Make sure Meteor is installed and up to date or run:
curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
git clone git@github.com:withpulp/minimal-agency.git
cd minimal-agency
It is highly recommended to use Meteor Up for easy deployments. Have a look at the repository for more information.
There are other ways to deploy to your server besides Meteor Up. Here is a step by step guide from Digital Ocean.
Meteor cannot do SEO
This statement is only partially true, since there is a package called ms-seo, which has a lot of neat little tricks to help web crawlers notice your app the way you want them to. Use constants under client/lib/constants.js for the app. Change SEO settings inside the routes like that.
Router.route('/about', function () {
// Using the app constants
SEO.set({ title: 'About -' + Meteor.App.NAME, og: {...} });
- Meteor Core
- Routing
- Collections
- dburles:collection-helpers
- reywood:publish-composite
- Accounts
- UI and UX
- Development
The "insecure" and "autopublish" packages are removed by default (they make your app vulnerable).
client/ # Client folder
compatibility/ # Libraries which create a global variable
config/ # Configuration files (on the client)
lib/ # Library files that get executed first
startup/ # Javascript files on Meteor.startup()
stylesheets # LESS files
templates/ # Contains all templates
layouts/ # Router layouts
views/ # All the views
modules/ # UI elements and components (i.e. forms, actions, etc...)
common/ # Common components (i.e. header, footer)
elements/ # Re-usable components
orion/ # Orion CMS files
dictionary/ # Orion dictionary definitions
collections/ # Collection files, for each Meteor.Collection
private/ # Private files
public/ # Public files
router/ # All routes
server/ # Server folder
fixtures/ # Meteor.Collection fixtures defined
lib/ # Server side library folder
publications/ # Collection publications
startup/ # On server startup
tests/ # All tests
client/ # client tests
integration/ # integration tests
unit/ # unit tests
server/ # server tests
integration/ # integration tests
unit/ # unit tests
This project has an MIT License, see the LICENSE.txt for more information.