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backend 📦
backend 📦
Requires code to be executed in a V8 context
breaking change ⚠️
breaking change ⚠️
Introduces breaking changes
bug 🐜
bug 🐜
Something isn't working
chore ⚙️
chore ⚙️
css 🖌️
css 🖌️
Pull requests that update a dependency file
design 🖼️
design 🖼️
discussion 🏛️
discussion 🏛️
docs 📜
docs 📜
Issues affecting documentation
duplicate 👬
duplicate 👬
This issue or pull request already exists
enhancement 📈
enhancement 📈
New feature or request
Epic 🛡️
Epic 🛡️
frontend 🖥️
frontend 🖥️
Requires code to be executed in a web context
good first issue 👋
good first issue 👋
Good for newcomers
help wanted 🙏
help wanted 🙏
Extra attention is needed
invalid ❌
invalid ❌
This doesn't seem right
Pull requests that update javascript code
mentored 🐣
mentored 🐣
This issue will be mentored
migration 🚀
migration 🚀
Implement from legacy code
phase 2 allocation
phase 2 allocation
Issues to be taken by the community on Trello
question ❓
question ❓
Further information is requested
Refactor 👷‍♀️
Refactor 👷‍♀️
test 🔬
test 🔬
Affects usability, accessibility or user experience
WIP :bomb:
wontfix 💃
wontfix 💃
This will not be worked on