Streamline your desktop and supercharge your productivity on SwayWM and i3WM with Lazytiler!
Installing Lazytiler is easy and straightforward. Visit the official docs for full installation instructions.
Note: You will need to have both rust and cargo installed on your system.
Clone the repository and navigate into it.
git clone
cd lazytiler
Build using cargo.
cargo build --release
The binary will be located in target/releases
as lazytiler
in the same directory where you ran the build command.
To run the binary, navigate into the release directory.
cd target/release/
Execute the binary.
Visit the official documentation website for more information on Lazytiler.
Preview with and without Lazytiler.
The default tiling layout in SwayWM.
A preview of lazytiler's tiling layout enabled on SwayWM.
Tile your layouts automatically and give yourself some freedom with a boost in productivity and workflow.