Web App that displays curated places/cafes to Hack in London
This is volunteer idea to create a web app that will display and allow searching of curated cafes places that are team friendly to go and spend some time hacking together on a project.
The user can come to the website and search bases on London postcode/locations to find a curated list of cafes matching that criteria. The cafes should be shown on a map as well. Each cafe will be handpicked and “features” ranked like wifi signal, how great is the coffee/food and space etc.
- Django (a Python framework)
- Front end SASS/HTML5 and a frontend framework perhaps Bootstrap or Concise CSS
- Gulp or Grunt for frontend build
- Possibly JS for some interactions/ lazy loading images etc
- Github
- Heroku for free hosting
- Perhaps AWS/Cloud Flare CDN for image storage
- Github Issues for tasks
- Slack for group chats/standups etc
- Bibiana - Back End
- Emiliana - Back End, Front End
- Ichi - Back End
- Karen - Front End
- Lili - PM, Front End, Back End
- Lucy - Front-end
- Nandhini - Back End, Front End
- Natalia - Front End
- [Nori] (https://github.com/denesnori) - Back End, Front End
- Nuria - Front End (Learning)
- Raquel - Back End, Front End
- Carly - Back End
- Terminal: iTerm2 (MacOSX), Terminator (Linux) or use your preffered one.
- Text Editor: Sublime Text or you preffered one.
Clone the repo:
git clone git@github.com:womenhackfornonprofits/london-cafes-django.git
Get Virtual Env
Create a new virtual enviroment for the project
mkvirtualenv london_cafes
Use this enviroment or change to this from another by using:
workon london_cafes
Go to project folder:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Go to project folder:
pip install -r requirements.test
Get Postgres
Create empty db for now locally,
createdb london_cafes
Start the server:
python manage.py runserver
Go inside frontend folder:
cd frontend
Install all the dependencies:
npm install
Go inside the django app directory:
cd london_cafes
Run django server:
python manage.py runserver
The project is now running on
, go to that address in your browser.
- Make css and javascript changes in the
folder - Make any HTML changes in the Django templates located in
- Use
grunt default
in the frontend folder to build, watch and copy all the required files automatically into the Django static folder.
Please follow a few guidelines in order to contribute to the project:
- Pick an issue in the backlog and assign it to yourself.
- Always create a new branch
git branch branch_name
and all changes you make should be in that branch. - Make the changes needed then save and commit them:
- Use
git status
to see what changes there are that can be committed. - To add a file to be commited:
git add filename
(this will stage the file for a commit) - Once all files you want to commit are added you can commit the changes
git commit
and make sure to add a meaningful message to describe what changes you have made.
- Use
- [Raise a Pull Request](## How to raise a Pull Request ) so other teammembers can review the changes before they are merged5.
- Have at least 1 team member review your code (ideally 2) and once you receive a 👍 you can merge the code.
In order to raise a Pull Request with your changes:
- Save and commit your changes
- Push your changes and create a pull request:
git push origin your_branch_name
- Go to the repo and you should see a green button "Raise a Pull Request"
- Describe all the changes you have made in details and save.